Postcards from the Yemen Uprising


by Mohamed Saleh Al Haj

[Green Uprising: Plastic bottles used to construct a tent. The colors reflect the Yemeni Flag. Image by Mohamed Al Haj]
[Green Uprising: Plastic bottles used to construct a tent. The colors reflect the Yemeni Flag. Image by Mohamed Al Haj]

[This series of images from Sana’a, Yemen was taken by Dr. Mohamed Al Haj of Sana’a University during June, 2011.]

[A man with his daughter on their way to protests, Friday, June 3rd]


[Protesters praying]


[Yemeni children climbing an armored vehicle]


[Two generations of protesters]


[A poster commemorating Abdallah Ali al-Sumri (1991-2011)]


[ A man passing by the makeshifyt cafeteria whose wall is covered with posters of martyrs]


[Protesters resting in one of the tents]


[Protesters reading newspapers]


[One of the rest tents]


[At the tent for university staff]


[A protester with his two children]

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