BDP’s constitutional expert among detained in new anti-KCK operation

by editor | 29th October 2011 8:15 am

Post Views: 16



Professor Bü?ra Ersanl? (Photo: Cihan)
Professor Bü?ra Ersanl?, a constitutional law expert and a member of the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party’s (BDP) intra-party constitutional commission, was detained along with dozens of others on Friday as part of an investigation into the Kurdish Communities Union (KCK), an umbrella political organization for all groups related to the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).
Counterterrorism units launched simultaneous operations against suspected KCK members early on Friday and detained 41 people. Police raided various BDP offices in ?stanbul as well, including the BDP ?stanbul Politics Academy and several BDP branches.
Ersanl?, who has been taking part in the BDP’s preparations for a draft constitution, is also among the detainees. Sources said the number of detainees may increase as the operation is still under way.
BDP Co-chairman Selahattin Demirta? strongly criticized the new wave of detentions on Friday. “We will not be able to talk about a healthy constitution-making process if we go ahead like this. We will have no party member who can join efforts for [drafting] a new constitution,” Demirta? said.

Turkish police have recently stepped up operations against the KCK. The KCK investigation started in December 2009 and a large number of Kurdish politicians, including several officials from the BDP, have been detained in the case. The suspects are accused of various crimes, including membership in a terrorist organization, aiding and abetting a terrorist organization and attempting to destroy the country’s unity and integrity. The suspects include mayors and municipal officials from the BDP, which has said the investigation is the government’s method of suppressing its politicians, denying any links between the suspects and any terrorist organizations.

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