Kaplan: operations targeting parties are a “policy of war”


Targeting political parties is a policy of war not peace
In a strong criticism to Prime Minister Erdo?an for having a “soldier mindset”, BDP Group Vice President Hasip Kaplan said that the operations which target political parties must be seen as a “policy of war”, not “a policy of negotiation”.
Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Group Vice Presidents Hasip Kaplan and Pervin Buldan held a press conference about the “memorandum of cross border operation” and “political operations” against the BDP. Kaplan reacted to the “public order” and “security” oriented comprehensive solution seeks for the Kurdish issue for 30 years and said that “The Kurdish issue is a problem with political, economic, social, cultural, historical extents and its solution must be ensured at the Parliament through peaceful and democratic means”.
Reminding that they came to the Parliament to enable the creation of a common mind and a social consensus to end conflicts, Kaplan underlined that the BDP and Block deputies will “unanimously” say no to the “memorandum of cross border operation” which will be brought to the table at the General Assembly of the Parliament today.
Kaplan emphasized that detention operations have been intensified since their return to the Parliament, noting that all the detainees are BDP executives, mayors and central office directors. “An unprecedented unlawfulness is applied by the police and politicized courts with special authorities under the command of the AKP government which wants to suppress the political opponents in politics under cover of “fight against terror”, said Kaplan and added that Erdo?an has already exhibited his bad intention by saying that they will not show “good will”.

Referring to the regulations made in Turkish Penal Code and Anti-Terror Law during the AKP period, Kaplan said; “The Prime Minister knows no bounds, he openly interferes with the legal order.”

Kaplan reacted to the criminalization of BDP’s all activities within the frame of the “KCK operation” and noted that 200 thousand investigations have been opened against the people because of their thoughts.

Kaplan pointed out that the operations target the public support and undermine the desire for common life and warned the government, saying; “The way you are following is the way of crime against humanity and genocide. “Erdo?an must take lessons from the trial of war criminals like Al-Bashir and Milosevich who committed the same crimes.”

Kaplan added; “If they think that we will be suppressed and resigned, we will soon show them that they are wrong. We will respond to attacks by appointing 50 thousand people in the place of five thousand people in prison.”

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