by editor | 2012-01-19 7:25 pm
Ria Oomen-Ruijten said “verdict makes clear the need for further judicial reform in Turkey”
In a statement given to Todays’s Zaman, Ria Oomen-Ruijten, European Parliament’s rapporteur on Turkey, said the verdict of Hrant Dink’s trial is “disappointing. The Hrant Dink case could have been an example of how properly functioning judicial institutions deal with disrupting forces in a society. This verdict makes clear the need for further judicial reform in Turkey”.
The court convicted Yasin Hayal, a major suspect in the killing of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, of instigating a murder and sentenced him to life in prison, while another suspected instigator, Erhan Tuncel, was acquitted by the court.
Hrant Dink, editor-in-chief of the Turkish-Armenian weekly Agos, was shot dead on January 19, 2007 outside the offices of his newspaper in ?stanbul in broad daylight.
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