General Staff asked “silence” about Roboski
Speaking at the reception on the occasion of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, Turkish Chief of General Staff Necdet Özel touched on the Roboski event and asked for “silence” from the press.
Özel claimed the General Staff to have delivered all related documents to the prosecution’s office and made the following evaluation concerning Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) objection to inform the sub-commission of Parliemantary Commission on Human Rights; “We have delivered all required information to Specially Authorized Prosecutor of Diyarbak?r within the scope of the authority it has. However, nobody seems to comply with the confidentiality decision of the judiciary.”
Including 17 children, 34 civilians involved in border trade in Roboski village of Uludere/??rnak lost their life as a result of bombing by TSK warplanes on December 28, 2011.
As the mainstream Turkish media didn’t report the event for 14 hours, Presidency of General Staff made a statement after 14 hours which explained the bombing as an “operational accident”.
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