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Post Views: 3 La lucha mundial de clases Immanuel Wallerstein La Jornada Cuando son buenos los tiempos, y la economía-mundo se expande en términos de nueva plusvalía producida, la lucha de clases se acalla. Nunca desaparece, pero en tanto exista
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Post Views: 10 NURAY MERT Until recently, it used to be considered almost blasphemous to talk about “the rise of authoritarian politics in Turkey.” This fact alone is indeed a sign of authoritarian politics and/or authoritarian political cultures that it
Read MorePM’s Diyarbak?r address below expectations, but still significant 0
Post Views: 13 Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an address to his supporters in Diyarbak?r. (Photo: Cihan) AZIZ ?STEGÜN/?SMAIL AVCI, DIYARBAKIR Leading figures in the southeastern province of Diyarbak?r have expressed pleasure over Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s pledges for a
Read MoreShare 428 Email Constanze Letsch in Istanbul, Sunday 3 June 2012 20.24 BST Turkish women join pro-choice rally as fears grow of abortion ban Thousands of women march in Istanbul to protest against the possible introduction 0
Post Views: 30 Constanze Letsch in Istanbul Thousands of women march in Istanbul to protest against the possible introduction of severe limitations on abortion. Photograph: Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images Thousands of women joined a pro-choice rally in Istanbul on Sunday amid
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Post Views: 22 Carmen V. Valiña Aish Mujeres y homosexuales. La combinación de ambas identidades provoca en el mundo árabe una mezcla de incomodidad y ocultación, cuando no el más absoluto rechazo y castigo. Invisibilizadas en sus sociedades, pero en ciertos
Read MoreLos vampiros de Europa 0
Post Views: 5 Entrevista al economista Alberto Montero Soler Gorka Larrabeiti Rebelión Prima de riesgo, “Grexit”, Fiscal compact , productos “derivados”. “Nunca antes, en nuestro pasado reciente, había existido mayor confusión acerca de lo que ocurre en nuestro entorno”, afirma Alberto
Read MoreLa protesta contra los recortes sigue avanzando en Nafarroa 0
Post Views: 5 Huelga de funcionarios y educativa en Nafarroa La educación pública se para casi completamente por tercer día en los últimos nueve. Se le une el 50% de los trabajadores de la Administración núcleo. LAB lidera una protesta
Read MoreBianet launched right to abortion campaign 0
Post Views: 3 A new anti-abortion law will be debated in the parliament in June 201, bianet launched right to abortion campaign A new anti-abortion law will be debated in the parliament in June 2012. Looking back and reflecting on
Read MoreArt For Öcalan 0
Post Views: 13 International Initiative launched new campaign for Öcalan When words come to an end… art has to speak. With this suggestive opening the International Initiative has launched a new campaign calling on artists around the world to offer
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