by ***, The Kurdistan Tribune | 2015-08-10 3:48 pm
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Like many people in Turkey, we, as academics, were emboldened by the peace/solution process between the Turkish state and Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) officially initiated in January 2013, hoping for a new era that would end the conflicts continuing for over 30 years in Turkey. We have repeatedly stated, especially in our works on Turkey’s history, economy and social relations, that the conflict has affected every aspect of Turkey, turned people into enemies, and increased inequality, discrimination and violence. We have been of the opinion that Turkey was finally going to have a chance to face its truths, democratize and heal its wounds.
We have supported every stage of the solution process between 2013 and 2015. We have stated that the creation of a Wise People’s Committee,[1][1] the Dolmabahçe Agreement[2][2] and that enactment of a new law by the Parliament regarding the solution process[3][3] were positive measures. However, the comparative studies we have undertaken on the ongoing peace processes across the world have shown us that these are not sufficient measures and that the process needs to be supported with various monitoring committees and, as in the case of Mandela, the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan,[4][4] one of the leading actors of the process, should be lifted. We have noted that the process should not be exploited for the purposes of foreign or domestic policies. We have also stated that deep-seated hostility against the Kurds in Turkey could only end by establishing a Truth Commission and by revealing the tragedies of the past as well as those who are responsible of them.[5][5]
At the current state of affairs, we regret to see that that the government did not make any arrangements to guarantee the stability of the peace process, and that there are no independent civil institutions to advise and evaluate the sides so that the public can be informed and transparency can be maintained. As of today, it is unfortunate for us to witness that the process is reduced to a tool regarding inter-party competition. The policies concerning Syria, Iraq and Iran have also created an environment where the war has resumed.
It is also unfortunate that despite the warnings of academics, NGOs, responsible politicians and reporters, no steps were taken to prevent the contagious civil war in the Middle East from affecting Turkey. On the contrary Turkey is being rapidly dragged to war.
Tens of peace processes across the world have shown us that the losses are much higher when people take up arms again and that the solution comes only if new democratic spheres are opened. In the last year, we have lost our students in Kobani and Suruç. Only in this past week, we have lost many other young people to the resumed conflict between the state and PKK.
It should be known well that we will never sacrifice our children, our students and none of our youngsters for war. For us, not a single disagreement is more important than their lives and the future they will build.
We invite all parties to a consolidated ceasefire immediately. We ask the government to abandon the language that cause discrimination, hostility and conflict; the responsible reporters to disclose their colleagues that provoke the war; and the parliament to pass laws that will guarantee the continuation of the peace process immediately.
The truth does not develop under conditions of war and today Turkey needs the truth before anything else.
We are declaring to the public: There is only one lesson that the young people can derive from our writings, statements, and lectures and it is that their lives matter and the country will not survive unless they are alive. The core message of the work we do will be that war budgets are compensated by our taxes and that it is the poor who lose their lives in a war. Our philosophy as academics is that nobody has the right to oppress and insult others. Nobody can prevent others from exercising their right to free speech. Our work is concerned with teaching young people to protect themselves from the poisonous feeling of revenge, continue to seek their rights, defend truth against lies and never be discouraged from democratic discourses and actions.
We, as 232 academics who’ve undersigned this statement, invite all academics, teachers, producers and consumers of knowledge, women and men to raise their voice and be a part of democracy and truth.
Abdullah Sessiz, Prof, Dicle University
Ahmet Alt?nel, Assist Prof, Mimar Sinan University
Ahmet Hilal, Prof, Çukurova University
Ahmet Özdemir Aktan, Prof, Marmara University
Ahmet Uhri, Assist Prof, Dokuz Eylül University
Ali Akay, Prof, Mimar Sinan University
Ali ?hsan Ökten, Assoc Prof, Adana
Ali Kerem Saysel, Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Alper Aç?k, Dr, Özye?in University
Asl? Aydemir, Instructor, ?stanbul University
Asl? Davas, Assoc Prof Ege University
Asl? Odman, Instructor, Mimar Sinan University
Asl? Takanay, ABD, Bo?aziçi University
Atilla Güney, Prof, Mersin University
Ayd?n Müftüo?lu, Assist Prof, Ege University
Ayfer Bartu Candan, Assoc Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Ayla Z?rh Gürsoy, Prof, Marmara University
Ay?e Berkman, Prof, Marmara University
Ay?e Durakba?a, Prof, Marmara University
Ay?e Erzan, Prof, ?stanbul Teknik University
Ay?e Gözen, Prof, Ondokuz May?s University
Ay?e Öncü, Emeritus, Sabanc? University
Ay?egül Kanbak, Assist Prof, Batman University
Ay?en Canda?, Assoc Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Ay?en Uysal, Prof, Dokuz Eylül University
Ayten Alkan, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul University
Ayten Zara, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul University
Bahar Oral, Res Assist, Çankaya University
Ba?ak Can, Assist Prof, Koç University
Bediz Y?lmaz, Assist Prof, Mersin University
Begüm Özden F?rat, Assist Prof, Mimar Sinan University
Berivan Gökçenay, Y?ld?z Teknik University
Betigül Öngen, Prof, ?stanbul University
Biray Kolluo?lu, Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Biriz Berksony, Dr, ?stanbul University
Birol Caymaz, Assoc Prof, Galatasaray University
Buket Türkmen, Assoc Prof, Galatasaray University
Burak Üzümkesici, Res Assist, ?stanbul University
Burcu Yakut-Çakar, Assoc Prof, Kocaeli University
Burhanettin Kaya, Assoc Prof, Gazi University
Bülent Bilmez, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Bülent Duru, Assoc Prof, Ankara University
Bülent Küçük, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Can Candan, Dr, Bo?aziçi University
Cem Özatalay, Assoc Prof, Galatasaray University
Cenap Özel, Prof, Dokuz Eylül University
Ceren Özselçuk, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Cesim Çelik, Assist Prof, Abant ?zzet Baysal University
Ceyda Arslan, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Chris Stepehnson, Instructor, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Cuma Çiçer, Assist Prof, Mardin Artuklu University
Ça??n Tanr?verdi, Ar. Gör, Trakya University
Ça?la Aykaç, Assist Prof, Fatih University
Çiler Çilingiro?lu, Assoc Prof, Ege University
Deniz Yonucu, Dr, LSE University
Derya Özkan, Dr, Münih University
Didem Dan??, Assoc Prof, Galatasaray University
Dilek Hattato?lu, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul University
Düzgün Çak?rca, Assist Prof, Batman University
Elçin Aktoprak, Assist Prof, Ankara University
Ebru Aykut, Assist Prof. Dr, Mimar Sinan University
Elif Babül, Assist Prof, Mount Holyoke University
Elif Göcek, Assist Prof, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Emine Me?e, Prof, Dicle University
Emrah Dönmez, Instructor, I??k University
Engin Sustam, Assist Prof, Arel University
Erdem Yörük, Assist Prof, Koç University
Ergin Bulut, Assist Prof, Koç University
Erhan Kele?o?lu, Assist Prof, ?stanbul University
Ertan Y?lmaz, Prof, Akdeniz University
Erol Köro?lu, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Esra Mungan, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Fatih Altu?, Assist Prof, ?stanbul ?ehir University
Fatma Gök, Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Ferhat Kentel, Prof, ?stanbul ?ehir University
Feride Aksu Tan?k, Prof, Ege University
Ferruh Akay, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul University
Feryal Sayg?l?gil, Assist Prof, Arel Üniveristesi
Figen Binbay, Assist Prof, Dicle University
Figen I??k, Instructor, Orta Do?u Teknik University
Fikret Uyar, Dr, Dicle University
Funda Ba?aran, Prof, Ankara University
Funda ?enol Cantek, Prof, Ankara University
Galip Deniz Alt?nay, Mersin University
Gencay Gürsoy, Prof, ?stanbul University
Gökçe Topal, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul University
Güçlü Ate?o?lu, Assist Prof, Mimar Sinan University
Gülhan Balsoy, Assist Prof, Okan University
Gülhan Türkay, Prof, ?stanbul University
Gülce Sorguç, Res Assist, Ege University
Gürcan Altan, Prof, Trakya University
Güven Gürkan Öztan, Assist Prof, ?stanbul University
Hacer Ansal, Prof, I??k University
Hafize Öztürk Türkmen, Assist Prof, Akdeniz University
Hakan Gurvit, Prof, ?stanbul University
Haldun Sural, Prof, Orta Do?u Teknik University
Hale Bolak Prof, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Hejan Epözdemir, Dr, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Hilal Akekmekçi, Res. Assist, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Hüseyin A. ?ahin, Prof, Ondokuz May?s University
Ilg?n Erdem, Instructor, CUNY John Jay University
I??l Ünal, Prof, Ankara University
?clal Ay?e Küçükk?rca, Assist Prof, Mardin Artukulu University
?hsan Bilgin, ?stanbul Bilgi University
?lkay Özkürapli, Instructor, Arel University
?nan Ünal, Instructor, Tunceli University
?rfan Aç?kgöz, Prof, Dicle University
Kemal Bak?r, Prof, Gaziantep University
Kemal Özay, Assist Prof, Okan University
K?vanç Ersoy, Assoc Prof, Mimar Sinan University
Koray Çal??kan, Assoc Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Kuban Alt?nel, Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Kumru Toktam??, Assoc Prof, Pratt Institute
Kuvvet Lordo?lu, Prof, Kocaeli University
Levent Köker, Prof
Lütfiye Bozda?, Assist Prof, ?stanbul Kemerburgaz University
Mehmet Fatih Uslu, Assist Prof, ?stanbul ?ehir University
Mehmet Karaaslan, Prof, I??k University
Mehmet Rauf Kesici, Assist Prof, Kocaeli University
Mehmet Türkay, Prof, Marmara University
Mehmet Zencir, Prof, Pamukkale University
Melek Göregenli, Prof, Ege University
Melissa Bilal, Dr, Columbia University
Meltem Ah?ska, Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Meltem Gürle, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Meral Camc?, Assist Prof, ?stanbul Yeni Yüzy?l University
Meral Özbek, Prof, Mimar Sinan University
Mine Gencel Bek, Prof, Ankara University
Murat Birdal, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul University
Murat Germen, Sabanc? University
Murat Koyuncu, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Murat Öztürk, Assoc Prof, K?rklareli University
Murat Paker, Assist Prof, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Mustafa Alt?nta?, Prof, Gazi University
Mustafa Kalay, Prof, Mersin University
Mustafa Peköz, Dr.
Mustafa Polat, Dr, Yeditepe University
Mustafa Sercan, Prof, Abant ?zzet Baysal University
Nazan Maksudyan, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul Kemerburgaz University
Nazan Üstünda?, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Nermin Biter, Dr, Ege University
Neslihan Önenli Mungan, Prof, Adana
Ne?e Y?ld?ran, Dr, I??k University
Nil Mutluer, Ni?anta?? University
Nora ?eni, Prof.
Nur Betül Çelik, Prof, Ankara University
Nurcan Özkaplan, Prof, I??k University
Nurettin Beltekin, Assist Prof, Mardin Artuklu University
Nuri Ersoy, Assoc Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Nursel ?ahin, Prof, Akdeniz University
Nükhet Sirman, Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Onur Hamzao?lu, Prof, Kocaeli University
Osman ?ahin, Instructor, Koç University
Ozan De?er, Res Assist, Ankara University
Öget Öktem Tanör, Prof, retired
Özen A?ut, Assoc Prof, retired
Özgün Akduran, Assist Prof, ?stanbul University
Özgür Müftüo?lu, Marmara University
Özgür Mutlu Ulus Karada?, Assist Prof, Ac?badem University
Özgür Soysal, Assist Prof, Ege University
Özlem Özkan, Assoc Prof, Kocaeli University
P?nar K?l?çer, Res Assist, Leiden University
P?nar Saip, Prof, ?stanbul University
Ramazan A?c?, Prof, Samsun
Ra?it Tükel, Prof, ?stanbul University
Rehber Akdo?an, Res. Assist, Dicle University
R?dvan ?e?en, Prof, Dicle University
Ruken Alp, Dr, Sabanc? University
Sami Cankat Tanr?verdi, Res Assist, ?stanbul University
Sarp Balc?, Instructor, Ankara University
Sava? Çoban, Dr.
Seçkin Özsoy, Assoc Prof, Ankara University
Seda Altu?, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Sefa Feza Arslan, Prof, Mimar Sinan University
Selçuk Ertekin Prof, Dicle University
Selim Temo, Assist Prof, Mardin Artukulu University
Sema Bayraktar, Assist Prof, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Sema Erder, Prof, Marmara University, retired
Semih Bilgen, Prof, Yeditepe University
Semra Somersan, Prof.
Senem Timuro?lu, Instructor, Özye?in University
Sevilay Çelenk, Assoc Prof, Ankara University
?ahika Yüksel, Prof, ?stanbul University
?emsa Özar, Prof, Bo?aziçi University
?ule Aytaç, Dr.
?ükrü Ekin Kocaba?, Assist Prof, Koç University
Taha Kahraman, Prof, Akdeniz University
Tahsin Ye?ildere, Prof, ?stanbul University
Tamer Demiralp, Prof, ?stanbul University
Taner Gören, Prof, ?stanbul University
Taner Özbenli, Prof, Ondokuz May?s University
Tansel Korkmaz, ?stanbul Bilgi University
Teoman Pamukçu, Prof, Ortado?u Teknik University
Tezcan Duma, Assoc Prof, Ankara University
Tuna Alt?nel, Assoc Prof, Claude Bernard Lyon-1 University
Tu?rul Atasoy, Prof, Bülent Ecevit University
Tülin Özdemir Johansson, Assoc Prof, Lassel Üniveristesi
Tülin Ural, Dr, Mimar Sinan University
U?ur Kara, Assist Prof, Anadolu University
Ula? Bayraktar, Dr.
Umut ?ah, Instructor, ?stanbul Arel University
Ülkü Do?anay, Prof, Ankara University
Ülkü Güney, Assist Prof, Abant ?zzet Baysal University
Vangelis Kechriotis, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Veli Deniz, Prof. Kocaeli University
Veli Polat, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul University
Vildan ?yigüngör, Assoc Prof, Marmara University
Yahya Madra, Assoc Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Yasemin Özgün, Assoc Prof, Anadolu University
Yasin Ceylan, Prof, Ortado?u Teknik University
Ye?im Edis ?ahin, Prof, Dokuz Eylül University
Y?ld?ray Ozan, Prof, Ortado?u Teknik University
Y?ld?z Silier, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Y?lmaz Özdil, Assist Prof, Mardin Artuklu University
Yonca Hürol, Prof, Do?u Akdeniz University
Yusuf Çiftçi, Instructor, Mardin Artukulu University
Yücel Demirer, Assoc Prof, Kocaeli University
Zafer Ercan, Prof, Abant ?zzet Baysal University
Zafer Yenal, Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Zeki K?l?çarslan, Prof, ?stanbul University
Zelal Ekinci, Prof, Kocaeli University
Zergün Utku Alt?nta?, Dr, Gazi University
Zerrin ?ren Boynudelik, Dr, ?stanbul Teknik University
Zeynep Gambetti, Assoc Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Zeynep Kadirbeyo?lu, Assist Prof, Bo?aziçi University
Zerrin Kurto?lu ?ahin, Prof, Ege University
Zeynep K?v?lc?m, Assoc Prof, ?stanbul University
Zeynep Uysal, Assoc Prof, Bo?aziçi University
For information[6]
[1][7] Wise People’s Committee (Akil ?nsanlar Heyeti), which was composed of 63 members, was constituted on April 4, 2013 to explain the process to people and to report their expectations from peace.
[2][8] Dolmabahçe Agreement was declared on February 28th, 2015 by members of the Justice and Development Party (JDP) and People’s Democracy Party (PDP) as the framework for peace negotiations. However, after the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an declared his disapproval of the agreement, it was disowned by JDP.
[3][9] On July 15th, 2015, the Law on ending terror and strengthening of social cohesion was passed that gave legal framework to peace negotiations.
[4][10] Abdullah Öcalan is the leader of PKK and remains in prison since 1999.
[5][11] Throughout the 1990s when the war between the Turkish state and the PKK was at its peak a number of human rights violations has been committed by the state against Kurds including disappearance, extra judicial murders, displacement, rape and harassment. To this day no one has been prosecuted for these crimes although confessions of former officials who committed these crimes are abound. During 2000s, Kurds living or working in cities of Turkey have been victims of numerous hate crimes.
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