We are an alliance of more than 500 European organisations running campaigns and actions against TTIP and CETA. We believe that these two trade and investment agreements must be stopped because they pose a threat to democracy, the rule of law, the environment, health, public services as well as consumer and labour rights.
Self-organised European Citizens’ Initiative
The self-organised European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Stop TTIP collected signatures against TTIP and CETA from 7 October 2014 to 6 October 2015. During this one year, 3,284,289 European citizens signed the ECI and set a strong signal against TTIP and CETA. We reached the country quorum in 23 Member States. The country quorum is a minimum amount of signatures which has to be gathered in least seven EU Member States for a successful ECI.
Why do you continue with the Stop TTIP campaign?
Even though we achieved a great result with our signature collection – we collected 3,284,289 signatures and reached the country quorum in 23 states (7 were required) – TTIP and CETA are not yet defeated. The EU is continuing its negotiations, and their supporters keep advertising for the trade agreements. Our case in the European Court of Justice also has not been decided on. This is why it is still important to show how many people oppose the trade agreements.
séamas carraher
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