Colombia New Final Peace Agreement signed in Bogota

by GR | 26th November 2016 11:54 am

Post Views: 12


In a different scenario from the previous ceremony (on 26 September) today in the Colon Theatre of Bogota, some five hundred guests have witnessed the signature of the new Final Peace Agreement between the FARC-EP and the Colombian Government.

Different was also the “sounds” of this ceremony. While in Cartagena the protocol seemed to have been very strict, here in Bogota, people didn’t seem to follow “procedures” so strictly. Indeed when the presenter announced, that after the signature it would be commander Timoleon Jimenez, leader of the FARC-EP to take the floor, the audience erupted in a noisy and warm applause and chanting.

“Let’s words be the only arms of the Colombian people”, said Timochenko.

“To reach this signature we lived more than 50 years in war. – said the FARC leader – In this last phase we add things to the anterior agreement, taking into account proposals from the various groups.  We have studied with positive attitude all proposals and we introduced important changes to the new text”.

Timochenko thanked the “international community” that, he said, “was present in Havana once again, worried about peace in Colombia”.

Timochenko underlined that the “Protagonist of this new text are women organisations and LGBTI community who made clear what they meant as their role.

Likewise – he added – I want to thank the religious groups, intellectuals and civil society organisations that contributed to the new text”.


The leader of the FARC-EP extended “Our admiration goes to the thousands of Colombians who took to the streets, and the young students who signed a youth pact for peace, to the different communities, afro-descendent, indigenous, the families who joined the FARC guerrillas in the vigil for peace… This final agreement is yours,

– he said – because you helped building it with your aspirations, actions”.


Timochenko said that “The first national demand is to end use of arms in politics, to recognise right to dissent and that life and personal integrity, freedom of movement and thought are real. Nobody must stay out of the agreement. With it we just put a definitive end to war, we don’t renounce to our position”.

The FARC commander asked “for speedy implementation: no more killings of trade unionists, civil leaders, community activists…It is absurd – he said – that our guerrillas keep dying and their death is justified with absurd reasons”.

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