Executive Council declares Shebha Canton

by orsola casagrande | 26th August 2017 8:22 am

Post Views: 39


The Executive Council of Shehba Region released a press statement to officially declared the Shehba Canton affiliated to Efrîn Federal Region.

The statement reads as follows:

“While the Syrian Revolution is now in its 6th year, the Syrian territory has suffered great damage due to a deadlock situation provoked by the Ba’ath regime. Thousands of people have been killed, millions of others have been displaced. Syrian opposition circles, that are depending on the political plans of international and regional powers, are partners that have ravaged the Syrian society and created chaos.

When the Rojava Revolution begun, on 19 July 2012, the Democratic Autonomy System was declared in the cantons of Cizîrê, Kobanê and Efrîn. There major achievements have been made in political, social, economic and defense aspects. This system has received the support of the majority of international states as it was acknowledged as the most sensible solution to the Syrian crisis.

Following the declaration of the Democratic Northern Syria Federation system based on the brotherhood and co-existence of peoples, representatives of the Shehba region took their part in the Federation Constituent Assembly.

After a sector of the Shehba region was cleared of gangs and liberated, the Executive Council of Shehba Region was established and people have been governing their own territory for over a year now.

In accordance with the decision made at the third meeting of the Democratic Northern Syria Federation Constituent Assembly, we therefore declare the establishment of the Shehba Canton.”

Source URL: https://globalrights.info/2017/08/executive-council-declares-shebha-canton/