Kurdistan Workers’ Party Enters its 40th year: PKK Statement

Kurdistan Workers’ Party Enters its 40th year: PKK Statement


We declare the 40th year the year for victory.”  – PKK

(Partiya Karkerên Kurdistanê – Kurdistan Workers’ Party, Executive Committee)


November 27, 2017: The Firat News Agency (https://anfenglish.com/), based in Amsterdam, (banned and blocked in Turkey) published a statement from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s (PKK) Executive Committee, celebrating their 40th year of struggle for Kurdish rights in Northern Kurdistan.


“As it is known, the PKK was officially founded in the Fis village of Lice on November 27, 1978. Since its birth and foundation, the PKK has inherited a very negative historic legacy, and has prevented the destruction of the Kurdish people under the colonialist-genocidal system with a view to inaugurating the history of our free existence under the leadership of our party. On this basis, a turning point has been created for the history of the Kurdish people. In 39 years of heroic struggle, the PKK has created both the leadership of the party and the guerrilla struggle, implemented the national resurgence revolution, launched the women’s liberation revolution, led the struggle against fascism and the international plot, developed democratic nation building in Kurdistan, reanimated the Kurdish people on the basis of a free life and has brought the voice of the Kurdish people among the free nations.




For this, our people see the PKK as their own liberated identity and say “PKK is the people, the people are here” in the streets and squares they fill. Leader Abdullah Öcalan says the PKK is a party of martyrs. It is known that the PKK is a vehicle where leader Abdullah Öcalan’s ideas are translated into organization and action. As a movement of the Leader and the Martyrs, our party is the owner of forty years of an unabated and epic revolutionary march. The unbroken march for freedom carried out by leader Abdullah Öcalan has continued for 45 years. This unbroken march of the leader for 45 years and the 40 year-long relentless march of the party are a first in the history of Kurdistan. It is rarely seen in human history. Undoubtedly, this heroic march has created a great historic accumulation and gains.


Such an advance both of the leader and the party in struggle for over almost half a century has clearly created a great enlightenment for Kurdistan, the Middle East and humanity. They have brought light to all the issues throughout the region and the world, starting with the Kurdish issue and the women’s issue. On this basis, they have shown the way to salvation for all the oppressed and created a great liberation movement. The founding of the PKK is a turning point for Kurdistan and the Kurdish people, and its revolutionary struggle in a sacrificial line for 39 years has made historic contributions to the struggle for freedom and democracy of the oppressed. As a revolutionary movement that transforms and renews itself constantly, the PKK has had very important contributions in surpassing crude materialism and the dogmatic dialectic, liberating socialism and democracy from the hegemony of both state and power, approaching the women’s issue as a revolution in freedom that forms the basis for all freedoms, implementing freedom and equality which had been considered only a utopia for the future in the present time, proving that self-strength and the power of the people is invincible and creating courage and generosity at a sacrificial level.


The PKK was born and developed in Northern Kurdistan, and has spread into all four parts of Kurdistan and throughout the world in its 39 years of struggle. It has managed to defeat dozens of Turkish governments, the September 12 fascist military coup, the 1987 State of Emergency, the total fascist special war system, the international plot attacks, through the Kobanê and Shengal resistance to ISIS fascism, and the AKP-MHP fascism through the self-government resistances led by Cizre and Sur. Now in its 40th year, the PKK has the duty to bring AKP-MHP fascism to the brink of collapse and to the trash heap of history. However vile the attacks carried out by the Erdoğan-Bahçeli fascist dictatorship may be, however many massacres they commit, however much they lie and cheat, their end is near. Nothing can save the AKP-MHP fascism from falling. The fascist dictatorship that has shrunk both inside and outside of the country will certainly be felled by our party’s 40th year of struggle.




What the PKK has done in 39 years mirrors what it will do in its 40th. As leader Abdullah Öcalan says, whatever has been done up to now has been essentially a preparation. The PKK’s main and greatest struggle and victory will come after this. In the progression to a free Kurdistan and a Democratic Middle East, the PKK will certainly play its role. In the 40th year of the party, the struggle for a free Kurdistan, the release of our leader, women’s liberation and a democratic society will be continued straight to victory. The democratic revolution based on social ecology and women’s freedom will certainly prevail.




It should not be forgotten that the PKK is a historic movement for holding to account and revolutionary vengeance. The vengeance struggle of our first great martyr Haki Karer had turned the PKK into a party, the vengeance struggle of Mahsum Korkmaz had created the guerrilla army, the vengeance struggle of Berivan, Beritan and Zilan had developed the women’s freedom revolution, the vengeance struggle of the serhildan (uprising) martyrs had created the national resurgence revolution and the democratic nation, and the struggle against the international plot has been developed in a spirit of utter revolutionary vengeance. The 40th year of the party now starts with the spirit of vengeance of Sara, Nalin, Azat, Baran and Delal. The vengeance struggle of Sara and Delal will end this AKP-MHP fascism and will certainly take the Kurdistan freedom revolution to victory.




On this basis, we salute the 40th year of struggle for the PKK and state that both as party and guerrilla leadership, we will develop the struggle for the release of our leader and for a Free Kurdistan further down the road to victory and in a much stronger fashion in this 40th year. We are calling on women and youth and all our people and allies to participate stronger in the 40th year of the struggle and to undoubtedly prevail. We declare the 40th year of the party to be the year for the vengeance of Delal Amed and the Besta martyrs. On this basis, we are calling on women and youth, and young women in particular, to join the ranks of the party and the guerrillas in the line of Delal Amed and avenge all our martyrs!






By FelixFuchs – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,



The PKK foundation in Sakine Cansız’s words



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