Back to homepageSwiss MP says Turkey selling looted Syrian olive oil to fund militia
Swiss lawmaker Bernhard Guhl has informed authorities that Turkey could be exporting olive oil plundered in Syria in its military op there, but then being labelled as Turkish
Read MoreOne Year on From Afrin, and now East of the Euphrates: More War?
“The goal of the United States from delaying this agreement is to make room for Turkey to enter easily when the US withdraw from its military bases…” (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)
Read MoreSyria: US withdrawal does not erase Coalition’s duty towards Raqqa’s devastated civilians
UPDATE: This has been modified to reflect a clarification by US forces that the early stages of the withdrawal involve military equipment, but not troops, leaving Syria
Read MoreTerrorism policing: the YPG/YPJ, an ally abroad but a danger at home?
The erratic treatment members of the YPG/YPJ receive at the hands of Europe’s counterterrorism networks doesn’t look set to change in the near future
Read MoreAnkara’s only goal in Syria is exterminating Kurds
Attacking Rojava means the end of Turkish-Kurdish peace chances
Read MoreTurkish news site indicted for citing Armenian Genocide in Afrin report
Post Views: 38 PanARMENIAN.Net – A Turkish prosecutor has prepared an indictment against Necla Demir, the publisher of the Turkish news site Gazete Karınca, over three reports one of which attributed the motivation behind Turkey’s attacks on Afrin, Syria to
Read MoreArticle 13 is almost finished – and it will change the internet as we know it
Negotiations about the EU copyright reform law have resumed: After missing the original Christmas deadline, negotiators for the European Parliament and Council are now aiming to finalise the text on January 21, 2019
Read MoreWhy are 162 Kurdish political prisoners on hunger strike?
Sarah Glynn, committee member of Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan, explains the context behind a mass hunger strike in Turkish prisons
Read MoreSinn Fein MEP calls for international action for Leyla Guven
Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson has called for international action in support of Kurdish politician Leyla Guven who is currently on hunger strike and is now in critical condition
Is there not something absurd (if not for the cost in human suffering) in Turkey’s ruling coalition’s deep seated venom for the social and cultural presence of this not-Turkish people?
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