“What we are facing in Rojava is a door in to the future” – Video Interview
Free Journo is an independent journalist project working on the latest video interviews & exclusive meetings with leading figures in the news, with MP’s & Union leaders, with politicians, academics, writers, experts and covering the latest developments from around the world.
In the last year alone they have published over 50 video interviews bringing the situation of the Kurdish liberation struggle to a wide audience and contributing to an important discussion on the future of the Middle East, the Kurds and Kurdistan.
In this video, Séamas Carraher, a Global Rights writer and an Irish poet is interviewed by journalist Erem Kansoy with support from the Peace in Kurdistan Campaign and the Freedom for Ocalan Campaign. Carraher highlighted that Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan’s freedom is crucial for the region.
Topics and questions of discussion included; How did you get to know of the Kurdish movement? Do you see a role for poetry in the Liberation Struggle? Do you think the so called international community is listening to the Kurds? What do you think of the Rojava revolution and of the governance model they propose?
Séamas Carraher is a working class poet and writer born on the southside of Dublin, Ireland. He has worked as a community activist for over 30 years in the struggle against poverty and injustice in Ireland.
He also writes regularly for Global Rights (www.globalrights.info), where many of his articles and poems can be found.
GlobalRights.info is a relatively new online journal and magazine committed to creating and articulating an oppositional voice of dissent to the current prevailing “normality” that Séamas sees as: “profit-at-any-price and business-as-usual despite the enormous human cost”. He has written a number of articles on Rojava and the situation of the Kurds in the past five years.
Watch the Interview here:
Peace in Kurdistan
Campaign for a political solution of the Kurdish Question
Email: estella24@tiscali.co.uk
Contacts Estella Schmid: 07846 666 804 & Melanie Gingell: 07572 430903
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