Tag "Bloody Sunday"

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Butcher’s dozen: The crimes of Bloody Sunday 47 years on


Shock and disbelief is the reaction to the decision of the Northern Ireland Prosecution Service to charge only one British Paratrooper in connection with the murder of 14 innocent civil rights marchers on Derry’s “Bloody Sunday,” January 30, 1972

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Bloody Sunday, Derry, 1972


“The firing by soldiers of 1 PARA on Bloody Sunday caused the deaths of 13 people and injury a similar number, none of whom was posing a threat of causing death or serious injury…”

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Dr. Edward Daly, 5 December 1933 – 8 August 2016 0


The retired Bishop of Derry Dr. Edward Daly, described as the ‘people’s bishop’, has died in Altnagelvin Hospital on the Glenshane road in Derry, Northern Ireland

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GR receives and is pleased to publish Civil Rights Campaigner Vincent Coyle’s appeal for support for this year’s Bloody Sunday march. The March for Justice will be on January 31st 2016. Assemble 2.30pm, Creggan Shops, Derry

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Refugees: The Road to compassion


Aylan was not asleep. His death was not peaceful. He had died with his five year old brother Galip and mother Rihan and seven other refugees trying to cross the five dangerous miles from Turkey – which is outside the EU –to the Greek island of Kos which is inside the EU

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The tragedy and courage of Ballymurphy


Today – Wednesday – the Dáil debate an all-party motion in support of the Ballymurphy Massacre Relatives. Their story is one of great tragedy, courage and tenacity

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Adams greets prince on first day of royal visit


Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams caused controversy today when he met ‘Prince of Wales’ Charles Windsor in a meet-and-greet opportunity during the first day of his four-day royal tour through Ireland

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