Tag "Colombian Peace Process"
Back to homepageFARC Santrich transferred to prison
FARC former commander has been on hunger strike for 19 days
Read MoreJesus Santrich (FARC) detained: hard blow to Colombian peace process
Santrich had been detained following an extradition request by the United States, that wants him for an alleged drug traffic related crime
Read MoreTimochenko: What happened to my heart?
Post Views: 23 On the road to peace, it got a little hurt.
Read MoreGirls of the Juanambú Battalion
Post Views: 20 It was the eighties and President Belisario Betancur opened the negotiating table with the Colombian insurgency.
Read MoreFARC Women: In the guerrilla we were always treated with respect
Post Views: 109 Last week several media, including RCN television and Blu Radio, reproduced the stories of a supposed FARC former-guerilla woman, who spent her time in smearing the commanders and guerrillas, for what she called permanent sexual harassment.
Read MoreTimochenko: FARC Women reject smear campaign
Post Views: 39 The women who have been in the FARC, recently issued a public statement, in which they express their open rejection of the smear campaign that some people and media are carrying on against the leaders of the
Read MoreThe Havana Agreements and the gender approach – Part Two
Pastor Alape, Ricardo Téllez and Victoria Sandino were meeting with representatives of the different organizations that had participated to the Colombia Forum
It had been a long time since Timo had slept fourteen hours in a row
Read MoreGabriel Angel from Oslo: The FARC, special guests in Norway
I am part of a delegation of the FARC-EP that traveled to Scandinavia, formally invited by the government of Norway, with the approval of its Colombian pair
Read MoreGuerrillas and the Attorney General, the big difference
If the works advance in the Temporary Zone of Caño Indio and the other Zones, it can not be attributed to anything other than the tenacity and the sacrifice with which guerrillas work under the scorching sun
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