Tag "Colombian Peace Process"
Back to homepageThe Most Beautiful of All Battles
We published here the full text of the speech delivered yesterday in Havana by FARC-EP chief negotiator, Ivan Marquez
Read MoreLa mas hermosa de las batallas
Aquí publicamos el texto de la intervención de Ivan Marquez, ayer, después de la lectura del comunicado conjunto
Read MoreA Peace Stable and Lasting in Colombia
This is the text of the Joint Communique read yesterday by the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP. The Parties have then signed the Final Agreement for Peace which will be available today.
Read MoreUna Paz Estable y Duradera en Colombia
Publicamos aqui el comunicado conjunto presentado ayer por el Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC-EP que firmaron el Acuerdo Final de Paz. El texto completo del Acuerdo sera disponible hoy.
Read MoreFARC and Government near Final Agreement
Last round for the Colombian Peace Process. The delegations of the government and the FARC have announced today that the signature of the Final Agreement is near
Read MoreColombian Peace. Protocols to move toward the Final Agreement
The signing of the protocols to enforce agreements on bilateral and definitive ceasefire and the end of hostilities is a new and strong sign that the peace process in Colombia continues its ineluctable march
Read MoreComunicado conjunto FARC-EP-Gobierno de Colombia
Publicamos aqui el comunicado conjunto FARC-EP-Gobierno de Colombia sobre los protocolos y anexos del acuerdo sobre “Cese al Fuego y de Hostilidades Bilateral y Definitivo y Dejación de las Armas”, anunciado el pasado 23 de junio, que permitirán su implementación.
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