Tag "Defend Rojava"
Back to homepageMake Rojava Green Again Call for Action Days on the 18th and 19th July 0
We call for two international days of action on the 18th and 19th of July 2020, against the bombing and invasion of Basûr (Southern Kurdistan, Iraq) and the occupation of Rojava regions by the Turkish army
Read MoreWho are the terrorists
Post Views: 28 According to the plans and propaganda of Erdogan, the safe zone, 30 kilometers deep, he secured in north-east Syria with a military occupation opera- tion, will constitute a valid and necessary “barrier against terrorists”. The other and
Read MoreThe law of the strongest and the reason of law
Post Views: 37 It is no doubt rare, but sometimes even us president donald trump keeps his word: on 6 october 2019 he announced the withdrawal of american troops from northern syria, despite the agreements and the military alliance with
Read MoreTurkey killed 8 children in Til Rifat
Post Views: 52 Turkish invasion forces have targeted civilians in Til Rifat town of the Shehba Canton today. The attack killed 10 people, including 8 children aged between 3 and 15. Ten other people, including many children, were wounded in
Read MoreAutonomous Administration assessed latest developments
Post Views: 55 The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria Executive Council co-presidents Abdulhamid El Mihbaş and Bêrîvan Xalid held a press conference on the Turkish state’s invasion attacks and recent developments in the region. The press statement read
Read MoreLa guerra interrumpe el festival de cine
Post Views: 10 Sin nunca bajar la guardia la gente de Serekaniye y toda la Federación del Norte y Este de Siria ha seguido trabajando en la construccion de la nueva sociedad basada en el confederalismo democrática, la coexistencia de
Read MoreTurkish invasion of Northern and Eastern Syria – Live Blog
Post Views: 23 12:01 Tahir: We’re not getting out of here! While the invading attacks of the Turkish state continued, Cuma Tahir who participated in the war in Sêrikaniyê spoke to ANF cameras.
Read MoreDefend Rojava. An Open Letter
Many of those who fled Afrin are now sleeping in open fields or tent cities, lacking the most elementary necessities
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