Tag "Palestine"
Back to homepageWar Came (to Gaza)
War came / and took the sleep from the bed / took the food from the children’s mouths / took the doctors and the hospitals / and burned them all alive.
Read MoreFor Gaza Now Swallowed by Storm (A Lament)
“In the street in Gaza, on a gravestone (made of a wooden board, probably from a damaged closet), they wrote: ‘Unknown martyr, a decaying corpse, wearing training suit and an olive green jacket.’ The world must stop here.”
Read MoreLa demanda contra Israel interpuesta por Sudáfrica ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia
El pasado 29 de diciembre Sudáfrica ha interpuesto formalmente una demanda contra Israel acompañada de una solicitud urgente de medidas provisionales ante la máxima jurisdicción de Naciones Unidas
Read MorePalestinian Poet calls for All People to Take-Up the Pen (for Gaza)
Mosab Abu Toha, palestinian poet founder of the Edward Said Library in Gaza, has just issued a call for people to rise up and prove that the pen is and will be – mightier than the sword
Read MoreGaza / Israel: Sudáfrica acude a la Corte Internacional de Justicia
Según informado por la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ), este 29 de diciembre Sudáfrica ha interpuesto formalmente una solicitud urgente de medidas provisionales contra Israel
Read MoreGod Bless America?
God Bless America(n weapons)? On U.S. Collusion with Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians (a cover note to a “poem”)
Read MoreGaza / Israel: inminente voto de una nueva resolución del Consejo de Seguridad
El voto de un proyecto de resolución presentado por Estados Árabes Unidos se ha pospuesto para este 19 de diciembre
Read MoreA(nother) GAZA Poem… on the day after
Here it was the morning of the storm / the month after 12,000 someone’s world / ended – (4,506 of them children!) / – in fire and fury; / the day after the World choked back / its heartbreak and rage
Read MoreGaza/Israel : nuevo voto en Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas
“More than 5,300 Palestinian children have been reportedly killed in just 46 days – that is over 115 a day, every day, for weeks and weeks. Based on these figures, children account for forty per cent of the deaths in Gaza. This is unprecedented
Read MoreThe writer and academic Refaat Alareer killed yesterday by Israeli bombs
The last thing he wrote to his friends was: “The situation is very desolate, we don’t even have water… I only have my pen, I will throw it at the occupying soldiers if they invade, even if it were to be the last thing I’ll do”
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