Declaración urgente por Nicaragua


queremos manifestar nuestro profundo rechazo frente a la gravísima situación de violencia política estatal y violación de los Derechos Humanos que atraviesa Nicaragua, responsabilidad del actual régimen de Ortega-Murillo

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 ON A DAY THIS WEEK, IN JULY – Murray Bookchin, 1921-2006


On a day this week, the 30th July 2006, American social revolutionary and radical thinker, Murray Bookchin died in Burlington, Vermont, USA

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UPDATE: Ramin Hossein Panahi, How Long on Death Row..?


Ramin Hossein Panahi, a Kurdish activist, was sentenced to death in January 2018 by the Iranian regime

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CUBA – Where now for ‘our’ Communist Project?


Changes in Cuba’s constitution, just announced, surely offer us an opportunity for reflection at the outcome of the communist project of the 20th century

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Women are around 13 percent of Islamic State members


the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq and Syria counts with some 41,490 international citizens from 80 countries

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Hand in Hand with the Women’s Revolution


Women of the Internationalist Commune of Rojava made a call for an international feminist delegation throughout Rojava

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Sinn Fein to present Presidential candidate at November election


The republican party will be running for the Presidency of the Irish Republic

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Los hechos hablarán por Iván Duque


No sería la primera vez en la historia que el ascenso de las mafias se entrelaza con gobiernos de extrema derecha. El tiempo nos mostrará bien de prisa la verdadera condición de Duque

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BOOK. ‘Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdoğan’s Turkey’


Black Rose Books recently marked the release of ‘Your Freedom and Mine: Abdullah Öcalan and the Kurdish Question in Erdoğan’s Turkey’

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Oleada de comunicados oficiales sobre situación en Nicaragua: breves apuntes


El pasado 16 de julio, fueron 13 los Estados de América Latina que difundieron un comunicado conjunto en el que condenaron firmemente los actos de violencia que se viven en Nicaragua

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