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Gaza. La portée des mandats d’arrêt délivrés par la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) et la réaction officielle de la France


Le 21 novembre 2024 la Chambre préliminaire de la Cour pénale internationale a annoncé qu’elle avait confirmé et délivré des mandats d’arrêt à l’encontre de deux hauts dirigeants israéliens et d’un chef de l’aile militaire du Hamas à Gaza. A cette occasion, la France a exprimé une position officielle ambiguë et déconcertante

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“Thieves” and “Murderers” (Whitewashing War Crimes)


There is no time now to write books. / No time to bury our dead. / Our world has had its tongue castrated / by those in power, / its humanity ethnically cleansed, / cruelty is now “reasonable”, “realistic”, “rational””, / its war only massacre and genocide / in the name of peacekeeping

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Corte Penal Internacional emite órdenes de arresto contra Primer Ministro y (ex) Ministro de Defensa de Israel y contra un dirigente del Hamás


Este 21 de noviembre del 2024, la Sala de lo Preliminar de la Corte Penal Internacional ha anunciado haber confirmado y emitido órdenes de arresto contra dos altos dirigentes de Israel y contra un jefe del brazo militar del Hamás en Gaza

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Netanayahu’s Amalek. A “love” poem for Israel


If we could but reach / out enormous arms like / wings that reach horizon’s / end and far farther beyond / all hurt and everywhere / embrace each single one / before the bare-naked bombs. A poem by Séamas Carraher

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KATYUSHA – A “love” poem for Gaza


“Katy”, I said, (if that is your name) / “why do we make war and not love /any more?”/“Go ask the Generals. / Go ask the Politicians in their /well-dressed suit-and-lies./Go ask the Money and its Masters,/their insane industry of profit and pain.”

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’ but he said ‘no apologies will be accepted after the genocide what has been done has been done I want you to look in the mirror and ask where was I when Gaza was going through a genocide…’

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Gaza/Israël: le Procureur de la CPI réaffirme l’urgence d’émettre des mandats d’arrêt


Dans un document adressé le 23 août à la Chambre préliminaire de la Cour pénale internationale, le Procureur a réitéré sa demande de mandats d’arrêt à l’encontre de dirigeants israéliens et de trois dirigeants du Hamas

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When the voice of peace will soon no longer even be told to shut up nor beaten from the streets because these streets have swallowed all our dreams someone forgot to wake a long long time ago while the world was falling asleep

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Gaza/Israel: las observaciones de Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia y México a la Corte Penal Internacional


En mayo del 2024 periodistas en Israel dieron a conocer un programa específico de escuchas e intercepción de los servicios de inteligencia israelíes dedicado únicamente al personal de la CPI

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A Letter from the Dead – Tehran, July 31, 2024


On the day of the death of Ismail Haniyeh – assassinated in Tehran, the capital of Iran, in the early hours of Wednesday. “Killing Haniyeh really is a sign from the Israelis that they are not interested in negotiating the ceasefire”

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