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Gaza/Israel: conclusión de las audiencias en demanda de Nicaragua contra Alemania


El pasado 9 de abril, la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) anunció el final de las audiencias entre Nicaragua y Alemania, con respecto a la solicitud urgente de medidas provisionales

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A Ceasefire Fell – like an Angel Shot from the Sky


after the UN Security Council voted 14 to 1/ (a solitary America raising the Flag of Abstention like / a marker over a mass-grave), / voted unanimously for the much needed – if temporary – / ceasefire to the savage slaughter of the Palestinian people

in the grim ghetto of Gaza

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Gaza. Corte Internacional de Justicia ordena nuevas medidas provisionales urgentes a Israel


El pasado 28 de marzo, en respuesta a una nueva solicitud urgente (la tercera) de indicar nuevas medidas provisionales de carácter urgente a Israel presentada por Sudáfrica (solicitud remitida a la CIJ el pasado 6 de marzo), la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) dio razón a Sudáfrica

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A Dictionary of (Palestinian) Silence


We are forced to witness our “fellow humans”, as they are bombed, buried-both-alive-&-dead-under-rubble, assassinated, murdered, killed, executed, slaughtered, massacred, starved, “cleansed” ethnically and exterminated…all in the name of “security” “the right to self defense”

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Hind Rajab, Almost Six Years Old, Gaza, Palestine: Dead. (A Poem of Barbarism)


“I’m so scared, please come. Come take me. Please, will you come? Hind Rajab. A Poem of Barbarism, by Séamas Carraher

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Gaza/Israel: Nicaragua solicita intervención ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia


Post Views: 31 El pasado 8 de febrero del 2024, la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) dió a conocer una solicitud formal de intervención  presentada por parte de Nicaragua con relación  a la demanda interpuesta por Sudáfrica contra Israel el pasado

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War on Children (Gaza, Palestine)


An old man sits at my deserted table / “how could they do this”,  he asks. / He asked the walls. / He asked the flowers that had already died / in October. A poem by séamas carraher

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Gaza / Israel: la ordenanza de la Corte Internacional de Justicia


Este 26 de enero del 2024, la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) dio a conocer su ordenanza, repondiendo a la solicitud urgente de medidas provisionales interpuesta por Sudáfrica contra Israel el pasado 29 de diciembre del 2023

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“Do you wish to return home”? Letter to Israel of the Zionist Settlers


“These leaflets were dropped on Gaza’s starving population today. It’s one more clear and cruel way Israel is telling the Palestinians in Gaza that they are being deliberately targeted, starved, and uprooted.”

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