Gaza/Israel: el tercer veto de Estados Unidos en el Consejo de Seguridad


El pasado 20 de febrero, por tercera vez, Estados Unidos ha recurrido al veto para impedir nuevamente que el Consejo de Seguridad adopte una resolución exigiendo un cese al fuego de carácter humanitario en Gaza

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Hind Rajab, Almost Six Years Old, Gaza, Palestine: Dead. (A Poem of Barbarism)


“I’m so scared, please come. Come take me. Please, will you come? Hind Rajab. A Poem of Barbarism, by Séamas Carraher

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“The Bird was Crying…” An Unwritten (GAZA) Poem on an (ISRAELI) Bomb


“…we found a bird in our home / chirping, chirping / chirping, meaning it was crying…” / Ahmad speaks, from the ruins of Nuseirat refugee camp, Gaza

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In this Place of Tragedy


and here now, Mr Netanyahu / is the Promised Land of your Laughing Soldiers / your savage soldiers, these cowardly-killers, / whose bones are now pure poison / whose mothers will no longer recognise them

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Gaza/Israel: Nicaragua solicita intervención ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia


Post Views: 31 El pasado 8 de febrero del 2024, la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) dió a conocer una solicitud formal de intervención  presentada por parte de Nicaragua con relación  a la demanda interpuesta por Sudáfrica contra Israel el pasado

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War on Children (Gaza, Palestine)


An old man sits at my deserted table / “how could they do this”,  he asks. / He asked the walls. / He asked the flowers that had already died / in October. A poem by séamas carraher

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One More Question for Gaza – after the decision of the International Court of Justice


“You can’t really order Israel to do everything within its power to stop the genocide while not ordering a ceasefire… a ceasefire is what we want, we want now… and it’s the most important thing to stop the genocide”

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