Burmese Military Murder Campaign INDICTED!


August 25, marked the first anniversary of the most recent assault by the Burmese military (the Tatmadaw), against the Rohingya people as well as other ethnic minorities in northern Myanmar

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My experience with Communes and Committees in Rojava


My Rojava experience began with six months in the YPG during the campaign to liberate Raqqa from Daesh

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“#IRAN, ARE YOU LISTENING?” (2) Mother of Ramin Hossein Panahi calls for help to save her son


“I was transferred to Rajaei Shahr prison for execution…I was told that my execution would be carried out soon.” (Ramin Hossein Panahi)

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Not scared to fight: Why I left Russia for the ecological struggle in Rojava


My interest in Rojava and Kurdistan ignited after a long time spent searching for a similar model or concept inside the Russian movement

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Aretha Franklin: Her legacy in music and social justice lives on


The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, has died at the age of 76. Franklin was a trailblazer and history make

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AFRIN OCCUPIED Turkey Condemned Again (and again)…


“Turkey must stop serious violations by allied groups and its own forces in Afrin…”  – Amnesty International

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Xenofobia, racismo, discriminación e incitación al odio en Costa Rica: breves apuntes


La crisis política que se ha desatado en Nicaragua desde el pasado 18 de abril ha significado un arribo masivo de nicaragüenses a suelo costarricense

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Ireland “Summer of the Vultures”


“The tsunami that I warned about has been delayed and outsourced, but it is coming.”

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The Real Reasons why US-Turkey Relations Have Hit an All-Time Low


If you’ve been watching the news over the past week you may think the current hostility between Washington and Ankara is about the US pastor, Andrew Brunson

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 Gustavo Petro, Colombian Former Guerilla & Leftist Who Mounted Historic Campaign for Presidency


Democracy Now! spoke to Gustavo Petro, who placed second in this year’s presidential race, receiving 8 million votes in his attempt to become Colombia’s first leftist president

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