“Imperialism Has No Friends”


Two strategies, one goal: the United States and the Kurdish movement in Syria

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The Threat to Rojava


An Anarchist in Syria Speaks on the Real Meaning of Trump’s Withdrawal

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Christmas Gift: 6 Poems by Asmaa Azaizeh


Palestinian poet Asmaa Azaizeh was born in 1985 in the village of Daburieh, in the Lower Galilee, Palestine. Her poems have since been translated into English, German, Spanish, Farsi, Swedish, Italian, Dutch and Hebrew

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Solidarity with the Kurdish struggle… without Öcalan?


The Kurdish movement is being attacked on all political, societal, military, and ideological levels. In the circles that we move in, people are conscious of the state repression against the movement in Europe

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Fresh concerns raised over DUP’s secret Brexit donation


Caroline Lucas MP calls on UK watchdog to ‘re-open investigation’, after new evidence suggests ‘deeply irresponsible’ initial inquiry

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“Urgent Appeal – Our Demands” (Kurdistan National Congress)


The Turkish state’s threats and preparations for a full-scale military attack against and occupation of Rojava (Northern Syria) are intensifying

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New groups of prisoners to join hunger strike


Deniz Kaya made a statement on behalf of PKK and PAJK prisoners. He said that 16 prisoners have entered the 6th day of their indefinite hunger strike

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La suspensión temporal por parte de Nicaragua de las misiones de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: breves apuntes


Mediante una nota diplomática enviada por Nicaragua dirigida al Secretario General de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) el pasado 19 de diciembre, Nicaragua ha decidido suspender temporalmente las dos misiones de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

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“We defend Northern Syria and Rojava because we defend a world without fascism and patriarchy”


Erdogan and the AKP- MHP fascists have shown with the recent bombings of already displaced people in the camp in Maxmur and Yazidis in Şengal their will to invade also Rojava/Northern Syria

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Syria Democratic Council asks France to declare no-fly zone


MSD co-chairs are in France for meetings after the US decision to pull out from Syria

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