Turquia bombardea el campo de refugiados kurdos de Maxmur, en el  Norte de Iraq


El jueves a las 21 horas de Iraq, aviones de guerra turcos bombardearon el campo de Maxmur, en el Kurdistan Iraqi, a unos 300 kilometros de la frontera de Turquia

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Turkey’s Hour of Reckoning in Syria


Secretary of Defence James Mattis dropped a bombshell by innocuously slipping in that the US military intends to set up a string of observation posts on the Syrian-Turkish border

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Pacto migratorio: ¿Un avance o un fracaso?


El llamado Pacto Mundial para una Migración Segura, firmado durante la Conferencia internacional a convocatoria de la ONU ha dejado más dudas que certezas

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“As local elections in Turkey loom, reckless war-mongering begins”


Speaking at the Turkish Defense Industry Summit, Erdoğan has announced that an operation would begin within days towards the East of Euphrates in North Syria

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IRELAND: Death of Séan Garland “Letter to international comrades”


It is with deep sadness and regret that the Workers Party of Ireland announces the death of our esteemed comrade, Seán Garland,

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“Turkey’s attack on Rojava resuscitates ISIS” (Kurdish National Congress)


The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) released a statement on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s continued threats against Northern Syria

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ENOUGH WAR ! Time for Democracy in Turkey?


Wednesday, December 12, Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, announced plans for his new military adventure against the Kurds

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Call from the Yellow Vests of Commercy to set up popular assemblies


The Yellow Vests in France are a politically heterogeneous movement. Yet within this space a libertarian municipalist movement is mobilizing itself

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Jury fails to agree on verdict in trial of Kurdish journalist


Post Views: 16 (Australia) NSW Supreme Court judge Lucy McCallum discharged the jury on December 6 after it failed to agree on a verdict in the trial of Kurdish journalist Renas Lelikan on “foreign fighter” charges under Australia’s draconian “anti-terrorism”

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The historical meanings of the Kurdish revolution


Democratic Confederalism is based on community autonomies of various levels, on participatory democracies of sectors, peoples and cultural groups of society, on ecological sustainability and on the woman as the subject of transformation

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