Lawyer Ebru Timtik dies on day 238 of death fast 0


Lawyer Ebru Timtik has passed away after a heart failure on day 238 of her death fast demanding fair trial

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Nasrin Sotoudeh Takes On Iranian Regime (…once again) 1


Nasrin Sotoudeh, the Iranian human rights lawyer last year sentenced to 38 years in prison (and 158 lashes) by the Islamic Republic of Iran, has this week managed to post a statement from her prison cell

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A 10 años del desalojo sufrido por líderes indígenas del Congreso costarricense


El pasado 9 de agosto, se conmemoraron los 10 años desde aquel triste episodio acaecido en la noche del 9 al 10 de agosto del 2010, en el que se desalojó durante la madrugada con efectivos policiales a líderes indígenas costarricences que habían llegado a la Asamblea Legislativa la tarde anterior

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Fidel nació en un lugar remoto de la geografía oriental de Cuba, Birán, el 13 de agosto de 1926

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An interview with YPG/YPJ commander Meryem Kobane, on the anniversary of the Rojava Revolution – PART ONE 0


On the occasion of the 8th Year of the Rojava Revolution, we spoke with Meryem Kobane, one of the YPG/YPJ commanders who not only defended Kobane in 2015, inflicting a heavy defeat to ISIS, but who is also a leading figure in the Rojava Revolution

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3 August must be recognized as the “International Day of Action Against Femicide and Genocide” 0


This week marks the 6th anniversary of the August 3, 2014 massacre in Iraq’s Sinjar region of the Yazidi community by the so-called Islamic State as they swept into northern Iraq in 2014

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