Dozens of Iranian soldiers died as fighting intensified


Large scale cross border operation by Iranian army

ozens of Iranian soldiers were killed by Kurdish PJAK (Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan) guerrillas as a result of a large scale operation launched by the Iranian army. The Iranian army has crossed the borders of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.
Heavy fighting continued trough Sunday. The operation was started by the Iranian army on Saturday morning.
108 Iranian soldiers killed
108 Iranian soldiers were killed in the fighting in the last 24 hours. The clashes were fiercer in Katumani (where 40 soldiers are said to have been killed) and Berdenaze (where 15 soldiers died), two border regions on the eastern side of Mount Kandil, said a spokesman for PJAK.
The other 53 soldiers were killed in the night from Saturday to Sunday in Sardasht, a border town in Iranian Kurdistan, and Dola Koke, in the region of Kandil.
The Kurdish armed organization claims to have lost seven guerrillas in the clashes.
Iran also has transferred dozens of wounded soldiers to hospitals in Sanandaj, in Piranshahr and Orumieh, according to local sources.
Sunday afternoon, PJAK forces launched an attack against Iranian troops in the area of Deshta Wezne in Kandil. At the time of writing it was not known the number of losses suffered in this last attack by the Iranian army.
It is claimed that the army began to retreat to 15.30 against the resistance of the Kurdish guerrillas, but for the PJAK, the military picks up his troops to launch a new attack.
The Iranian regime routinely hides its heavy losses and deprive its citizens free access to information. Indeed it has made no statement on the true nature of the events happening in the country. Not a day go by without violation of human rights in everyday life, such as torture, unfair arrests, executions extrajudicial hangings, state violence against women.
On the other hand the government in Baghdad, the Kurdish authorities and the international community still keep silent about the violation of Iraqi border by the Iranian military.

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