Colombia. National Police kills peasants in Tumaco

Colombia. National Police kills peasants in Tumaco


The National Police and the special corp ESMAD have opened fire against peasants in the Village Tandil, municipality of Tumaco. The peasants were staging a peaceful humanitarian siege to defend cultivations of coca leafs, only source of income of these people who have faced total abandonment from the State.

This is the statement released by the FARC militants living in the Territorial Space of Education and Reincorporation of La Elvira, Buenos Aires, Cauca.

Solidarity to the victims and the peasant population!

We strongly reject events in Tumaco and demand truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non repetition after the massacre perpetrated by Public Security Forces at #Tumaco.

The militants of the People’s Alternative Revolutionary Force in the Territorial Space of Education and Reincorporation of La Elvira, Buenos Aires, Cauca state to the national and international community the following:

– We strongly reject the massacre perpetrated by the Public Security Forces against the peasant communities demonstrating to defend the voluntary and concerted substitution of coca leafs, marihuana and amapola cultivations.

– As a consequence of the brutal and unjustified attack by Security Forces, 9 peasants were killed and 53 wounded.

– We express our solidarity to the families of the killed peasants.

– We express our deepest condolences. We are and we will always be at your side!

– We demand to the Colombian State led by the government of President Juan Manuel Santos, to fully investigate these events and establish the truth about moral and material responsible for this crime and offer guarantees of justice, reparation and non repetition.

– We call on the international community to reject what is happening in our country, embrace the Havana Agreements and demand their implementation in order to guarantee that such events will never happen again in a Colombia asking for peace, life and dignity.

– The Havana Agreements are the basis to begin building peace with social justice in all territories of the country, for this we call on the millions of common women and men to take the agreements in their own hands and together force their implementation: these agreements belong to the people and are for the people.


– We demand to the Colombian State to comply with what has been agreed. Stable and lasting peace cannot flourish in fields and cities when the Security Forces violently attack the communities they are supposed to defend.

– The implementation of the agreements is a guarantee for protest and social mobilisation, the repairing of communities of those territories forgotten by the Colombian State.

– The implementation of the agreements are the way to a promising future and the end, once and for all, of violence against the Colombian people.

– Finally, we call on the media to report with truth and honesty what has happened. Information ethic must be the basis of peace and reconciliation in our country.

People’s Alternative Revolutionary Force – FARC – Territorial Space of Education and Reincorporation of La Elvira, Buenos Aires, Cauca.

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ColombiaFARCJuan Manuel SantosTopTumaco

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