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Torture. Corruption. Civil war. America has certainly left its mark 0


Post Views: 5 Torture. Corruption. Civil war. America has certainly left its markRobert Fisk When you invade someone else’s country, there has to be a first soldier – just as there has to be a last. The first man in

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Ocalan unveils pillars of Democratic Autonomy


Post Views: 19 Imprisoned leader of PKK Abdullah Ocalan said it is a historical period that we are going through and Democratic Autonomy is the solution project of the Kurds.In the course of his regular lawyer’s visit, the imprisoned Kurdish

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La historia no se repite, pero rima


Post Views: 14 La historia no se repite, pero rima Tano D’Amico, bambino romNicolas Sarkozy ha puesto en marcha la deportación de cientos de personas de etnia romaní y ciudadanía rumana o búlgara. Primeramente los estigmatizó públicamente, acusándolos en una

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Now Atlantic is found to have huge ‘garbage patch’ 0


Post Views: 7 A huge expanse of floating plastic debris has been documented for the first time in the North Atlantic Ocean. The size of the affected area rivals the “great Pacific garbage patch” in the world’s other great ocean

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Charlemagne.No boatloads but still trouble 0


Post Views: 11 Sometimes what does not happen is the real news IT IS the middle of August, traditionally the height of the Mediterranean’s migrant-trafficking season. Yet thousands of dehydrated Africans and Asians are not arriving on the shores of

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Short Cuts 0


Post Views: 5 If hackers possess a look, then Julian Assange would probably be best placed to carry it onto the runways at New York fashion week. Except that the founder of WikiLeaks – brown cargo pants, computer rucksack, and

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Malaysia should halt expansion of security force accused of abuses 0


Post Views: 7 RELA agents have a record of human rights abuses against migrants and refugees © Amnesty International The Malaysian government should scrap plans to expand a state-sponsored security force of civilian volunteers with a long record of human

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Estados Unidos / Venezuela. El imperio contraataca (y pierde) 0


Post Views: 16 La política estadounidense hacia Venezuela ha adoptado muchos giros tácticos, pero el objetivo ha sido siempre el mismo: derrocar al Presidente Chávez, invertir el proceso de nacionalización de grandes empresas, abolir los consejos comunitarios y sindicales de

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La dictadura mediática global 0


Post Views: 8 Nadie debe creer que las evidencias que destapara el joven soldado estadounidense de veintidós años Bradley Manning, al poner a disposición del sitio WikiLeaks una vasta colección de documentos secretos sobre acciones brutales que cotidianamente llevan a

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From natural disaster to social catastrophe 0


Post Views: 9 From natural disaster to social catastropheSnehal Shingavi looks at the political and social factors that have magnified the impact of Pakistan’s catastrophic flooding. Two young men help an elderly woman along a flooded path in the Swat

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