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The Muslim Community Center at Ground Zero: a Manufactured Controversy 0


Post Views: 9 The Rise of America’s Idiot Culture A substantial racist uproar is taking place in conservative America, particularly in right-wing radio and television.  Reactionary pundits are drawing increased attention to plans to build an Islamic community center in downtown

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Bolivia. Una opción civilizatoria con rostro indígena 0


Post Views: 14 Acceder al gobierno nacional: un paso de esperanza El gobierno que emergió en Bolivia en diciembre de 2005 y asumió en enero del 2006, que convocó y realizó la Asamblea Constituyente, que convocó y ganó el referéndum

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The “humanitarian” campaign for the war in Afghanistan 0


Post Views: 6 The US media has launched a full-scale effort to suppress growing popular opposition to the war in Afghanistan, using one-sided propaganda about Taliban atrocities to conceal the murderous character of the American intervention. Beginning with the cover

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Tour of Guantánamo Offers a Look, but Little Else 0


Post Views: 7     Richard Perry/The New York Times GUANTÁNAMO BAY, Cuba — Welcome to Guantánamo Bay, where your tour guide will never leave your side but may not be able to answer any of your questions. Several times

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‘Upbeat’ White House Faces Calls for Long Term Iraq Presence 0


Post Views: 6     Iraq’s Chief of Staff Says US Must Stay Until at Least 2020 The Obama Administration remains committed to spinning its redefinition of combat troops as “transitional forces” as the end of the combat mission, even

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CAR/DR Congo: LRA Conducts Massive Abduction Campaign 0


Post Views: 9 ù This ten-year-old boy was abducted by the LRA in Bamudanga, northern Democratic Republic of Congo, on May 27, 2010. Some weeks later he managed to escape. © 2010 Ida Sawyer/Human Rights Watch New Regional Strategy Needed

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Sri Lanka: US Report Shows No Progress on Accountability 0


Post Views: 8  One Inquiry ‘Ineffective,’ a Second Raises Concerns  (New York) – A US State Department report released on August 11, 2010, shows that Sri Lanka has not yet conducted an effective investigation into laws-of-war violations by government forces

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UK violates rights of terror suspects with ‘unfair’ control orders 0


Post Views: 9 Amnesty International has accused the UK government of developing a “shadow justice system” that imposes severe restrictions on the rights of individuals suspected of terrorism-related activity. In a new report, Five years on: time to end the

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India must investigate abduction of anti-Vedanta activists 0


Post Views: 11 Amnesty International is calling on Indian authorities to urgently investigate the armed abduction of two indigenous leaders, who were on their way to campaign against the bauxite mine project proposed by a subsidiary of UK-based company Vedanta

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Unhinged at the US State Department and Pentagon A War on Wikileaks? 0


Post Views: 6 In the interest of full disclosure, I am one of Wikileaks’ many financial donors. I have downloaded their entire Afghan War Diary, and numerous other documents in the past, and I have shared them. I am also

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