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Utopía latinoamericana 0


Post Views: 5 Marc Saint-Upéry, en su libro El sueño de Bolívar, hace alguna referencia a las razones por las que Latinoamérica es tan interesante para sectores importantes de la izquierda (o autodenominada tal) de Europa. La razón fundamental viene

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OMC, la vida después de Doha 0


Post Views: 5 Por primera vez, julio pasó sin algún intento fallido en la OMC de forzar acuerdos en la Ronda  Doha. Reina plácida tregua. La causa es que por su crisis económica y su creciente desempleo, los EE.UU. no

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Santos y el huevo de la serpiente mass media 0


Post Views: 5 Nada expresa mejor las ambiciones de poder, incubadas por los monopolios mediáticos burgueses, que “acomodar” en los cargos públicos a sus cachorros. Es ya un lugar común, en las ensoñaciones de protagonismo que abrazan los empresarios mediáticos,

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Targeting Iran: Is the US Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? 0


Post Views: 9 The US and its allies are preparing to launch a nuclear war directed against Iran with devastating consequences. This military adventure in the real sense of the word threatens the future of humanity. While one can conceptualize

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UN Report: Afghan Civilian Deaths Up 31% 0


Post Views: 5   Public Executions by Insurgents on the Rise According to the UNAMA (United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan) report for the first six months of 2010, civilian deaths in Afghanistan actually rose 31% over the same period

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Bangladesh: Government Must Support Decent Minimum Wage, and Cease Harassment of Union Rights Supporters 0


Post Views: 9 The ITUC is calling on the Government of Bangladesh to support decent wages and living standards for the country’s workers, particularly in the garments sector, and cease harassment of trade unionists and other worker-rights advocates. Thousands of

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ITUC Calls for UN Summit to endorse Financial Transactions Tax to help fund development and growth 0


Post Views: 8 The ITUC is calling on governments to commit to introducing a financial transactions tax (FTT) at September’s United Nations Development Summit to help tackle global poverty and accelerate action on jobs and climate change. The UN Summit,

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Story of Ozgur


Post Views: 50 Can you smell this? It is the smell of war. It gets you on the throat, is everywhere”. The young man smells the air and invite us to do the same. War has a smell. Sour, intense.

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Olmert and the Jackals 0


Post Views: 5 When the Kettle Calls the Pot Black … I CANNOT say that I ever liked Ehud Olmert. But now I almost feel sorry for him. It is not pleasant to see how they pounce on him, like

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El niño soldado ante una corte militar 0


Post Views: 35   Khadr escuchó atentamente los argumentos de su caso. Imagen: AFPMAR KHADR TENIA 15 AñOS CUANDO FUE CAPTURADO Y LLEVADO A GUANTANAMO  El caso es visto como una prueba del compromiso de Obama por terminar con las

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