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Siria se acerca a América Latina 0


Post Views: 4 La gira del presidente Bachar Al Assad por Venezuela, Cuba, Brasil y Argentina, la primera de un jefe de Estado sirio en la región, se inscribe en la profundización de los vínculos entre América Latina y Medio

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Fears of al–Qaida return in Iraq as US–backed fighters defect 0


Post Views: 6 American allies the Sons of Iraq being offered more money by al–Qaida to switch sides   Al-Qaida is attempting to make a comeback in Iraq by enticing scores of former Sunni allies to rejoin the terrorist group

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La corrupción de la democracia 0


Post Views: 5 El “caso Bettencourt” que zarandea Francia con su vendaval de arrestos, odios familiares, cheques ocultos, grabaciones furtivas, fechorías fiscales y donaciones ilegales al partido del Presidente Nicolas Sarkozy, está hundiendo el país en una profunda crisis moral.

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Israel/Gaza: Wartime Inquiries Fall Short 0


Post Views: 3 Governments and UN Should Press for Justice  (New York) – Israeli military investigations into the Gaza war have brought some results over the past 18 months but fall far short of addressing the widespread and serious allegations

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Iran: Free Baha’i Leaders 0


Post Views: 3 Reports Say 7 Baha’i Leaders Have Been Sentenced to 20 Years Each  (New York) – The Iranian judiciary should set aside any judgments issued in closed judicial proceedings against seven Baha’i leaders and release them immediately given

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Argentina: Guarantee Women’s Access to Health Care 0


Post Views: 21  Graffiti on the wall of the maternity ward in a public hospital, Hospital Alvarez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. © 2010 Ethan Salwen ·Slack Implementation and Lack of Oversight Causes Suffering and Death (Buenos Aires) – Thousands of women

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Taleban should be prosecuted for war crimes in Afghanistan 0


Post Views: 4 The Taleban and other anti-government forces accounted for more than 76% of civilian casualties and 72% of deaths.© AP Graphics The Taleban and other insurgent groups should be investigated and prosecuted for war crimes, Amnesty International said,

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Decision to prosecute Mexican indigenous human rights defender condemned 0


Post Views: 11 Raúl Hernández was wrongfully arrested and charged with murder in January 2008 © Amnesty International   Amnesty International has condemned the Mexican authorities’ decision to pursue charges against human rights defender Raúl Hernández for a murder he

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Is Haiti Falling Through the Cracks? 0


Post Views: 8 Midnight was the deadline for candidates for president of Haiti to submit their materials to the CEP, the provisional electoral council. The Miami Herald reported that 34 candidates have submitted papers, including Grammy-winning hip-hop artist Wyclef Jean,

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China: Zhouqu landslide, a man made disaster 0


Post Views: 91 ide happened in Zhouqu in Gansu province. According to official Xinhua news, the disaster has so far taken away 127 people’s lives and 1,294 people reported missing. Since there is very limited information from official media outlets,

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