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A Kosovo on the Central Asian steppes 0


Post Views: 6 A robust geopolitical thrust by the United States aimed at creating a role for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in resolving conflicts in Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan promises to rewrite the great game rivalries

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Global Military Agenda: U.S. Expands Asian NATO To Contain And Confront China 0


Post Views: 6 The U.S. ended the four-day Invincible Spirit joint military exercise with South Korea on July 28, which consisted of 20 warships and submarines, 200 aircraft and 8,000 troops “in the sea, shore and the skies” [1] of

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Gen. Odierno Warns Against ‘Overreaction’ as Iraq Death Toll Climbs 0


Post Views: 32 Over 100 Iraqis Killed, 340 Wounded This Weekend Another deadly weekend has come to a close in Iraq, with over 100 Iraqis killed and over 340 wounded in a number of attacks across the nation. Such death

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Rwanda: Silencing Dissent Ahead of Elections 0


Post Views: 13   A supporter of the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front holds a poster of incumbent President Paul Kagame at a rally in Byumba on August 2, 2010. © 2010 Reuters Downloadable Resources: Rwanda Chronology (PDF) Rwanda’s presidential elections will

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Australia: Focus Election Debate on Protecting Refugees 0


Post Views: 11 Political Parties Should Pledge to Uphold Asylum Seekers’ Rights (New York) – Australian political party leaders should publicly endorse reforms to meet the nation’s international legal obligations to asylum seekers and migrants, Human Rights Watch said today

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Ecos de Vietnam en la guerra de Afganistán 0


Post Views: 11       The War Logs –un archivo de documentos militares clasificados que abarcan seis años de la guerra de Afganistán, subidos a internet por la organización Wikileaks– relatan la enconada lucha, cada día más encarnizada, desde

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Recordar Hiroshima


Post Views: 12 Bomba detonada en Nagasaki“Si la tercera Guerra Mundial se hace a golpes de bombas atómicas, los ejércitos de la Cuarta Guerra Mundial combatirán con mazos”. (Albert Einstein) Hiroshima y el nacimiento del terrorismo de estado El  6

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El pueblo de Irán está preparado para resistir 0


Post Views: 8 Entrevista al Embajador de la República Islámica de Irán en Venezuela Entrevista al Embajador de la República Islámica de Irán, Dr. Abdolreza Mesri, realizada por el Analista Internacional Basem Tajeldine, en ocasión de las amenazas guerreristas US-Israelíes

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A propósito del ex Presidente Álvaro Uribe y la Corte Penal Internacional 0


Post Views: 9 La comunidad internacional ha asistido estas semanas con estupor a los denodados esfuerzos del todavía Presidente de Colombia por complicar aún mas las relaciones diplomáticas de su país con sus vecinos, especialmente con Venezuela, a la que

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Germany to Pay $5,000 Each for Civilians Killed in Kunduz Attack 0


Post Views: 7           Military Won’t Admit Guilt and Insists Payment Is Voluntary After several months of negotiations, the German government has finally come to terms with a compensation deal that most of the families of

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