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Colombia’s new government must guarantee an independent justice system 0


Post Views: 9 Juan Manuel Santos won a landslide victory in a second round of elections © APGraphicsBank Colombia’s new government must ensure the independence of the country’s justice system, allowing it to bring to justice those responsible for human

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An Avoidable Depression 0


Post Views: 6 Land of Squandered Opportunity The economy has gone from bad to worse. On Friday the Commerce Department reported that GDP had slipped from 3.7% to 2.4% in one quarter. Now that depleted stockpiles have been rebuilt and

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Iraq. The Anatomy of a Massacre 0


Post Views: 11 Twenty years ago, the Middle East was an entirely different entity from the area of today. No U.S. troops were stationed in Arab countries. Iraq and Iran had just finished a bloody eight-year war. Iraq was rebuilding

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Hungría desafía al FMI 0


Post Views: 10 Hungría, que ostentará por seis meses la presidencia de la UE (Unión Europea) a partir del primero de enero, sufre intensamente las consecuencias de una crisis financiera que no acaba. A pesar de no estar tan alejada

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Capitalist Crisis, Radical Renewal? An Interview with Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin, and Greg Albo 0


Post Views: 52 by Sasha Lilley: Liberals and leftists alike argue that the economic crisis was caused by a lack of state regulation over the banks and financial markets. Consequently, they conclude that we just need new regulation to keep

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Gen. Petraeus Issues Air Strike Edict: No Strikes Near Civilians, Except in Secret Cases 0


Post Views: 25   Directive Said to Be Little Changed From McChrystal’s Version New US Commander in Afghanistan Gen. David Petraeus has issued new orders related to air and artillery strikes against civilians. The short answer is “don’t,” while the

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Malukan activists at risk of torture in detention in Indonesia 0


Post Views: 7 Amnesty International has warned that 10 Malukan political activists detained by Indonesia’s special anti-terrorism police are facing a high risk of torture. Detachment 88 police officers, who have regularly been accused of involvement in torture, arrested the

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Buffett, Gates, Rockefeller and the Conscience of the Very, Very Rich 0


Post Views: 11 The Great Marginalization Of all the farcical notions put forth during this time of high farce, casting America as “broke” places way up there on the list, as trillions of dollars are being stockpiled in the face

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Philippines: Bloggers’ Insights on the Peasant Problem 0


Post Views: 19 Image from the Photoblogger. In the Philippine countryside, majority of peasants still suffer from ages-old feudal and usurious practices and rural underdevelopment as reflected in the lack of mechanization in the agricultural sector and deteriorated farm-to-market roads.

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What to Do About the Wars 0


Post Views: 6 As President Obama pooh-poohed as old news the many WikiLeaks documents showing the sad state of the conflict in Afghanistan, the chief executive also began an entire month of crowing about keeping his campaign promise to “bring

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