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CIA, Pakistan’s ISI Engage in Fierce but Quiet Battle 0


Post Views: 19 US Complains to Pakistan Over Apparent ‘Double Agent’ Attempt Though publicly both sides insist their relationship is solid and indispensable, ties between the CIA and Pakistan’s powerful Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Agency seem to be suffering in the

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Red Flags for the Economy 0


Post Views: 9 Warning Signs From the Bond Market   Bonds are signaling that the recovery is in trouble. The yield on the 10-year Treasury (2.97 percent) has fallen to levels not seen since the peak of the crisis while

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Rachid Bouchareb: my film about the 7/7 London bombings 0


Post Views: 11 The shoot should have been a disaster. The male lead was dying and wore an oxygen mask between takes. The female lead was struggling with a language she’d speed-learned over four weeks, and could barely communicate with

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The razor and the damage done: female genital mutilation in Kurdish Iraq


Post Views: 12 The old Kurdish midwife’s hands trembled alongside a bowl that she positions to catch dripping blood. She picked up a razor blade and sliced through a corner of paper, mimicking the ritual cut she has performed at

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Biden Demands Net No Progress on Iraq Govt


Post Views: 6 No Proposals Made for Next Coalition Govt Though it comes as little surprise given the past four months of political fighting, Vice President Joe Biden’s Iraq visit has come to an end, and his demand for a

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European Social Forum: Perhaps there is a need for a reflection time. But it can’t be too long 0


Post Views: 6 On Saturday, 3 July, around 3,000 people joined the march of the European Social Forum (ESF) in Istanbul. It was the closing march of the sixth European Social Forum. Just as there is low participation in Turkish

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700 children in Turkish jails 0


Post Views: 11 On 1 April 2006, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan made the following statement in relation to the incident: “I am addressing mothers and fathers. Those who let their children out and allow them to be used by

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Workers’ rights in Taiwan 0


Post Views: 3 5 July 2010: A new report by the ITUC on core labour standards in Taiwan (known at the WTO as “Chinese Taipei”), published to coincide with the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) review of its trade policies, finds

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UK: Terrorism Search Power Violates Rights 0


Post Views: 26 A flyer explains police stop and search powers under the Terrorism Act 2000. Source: Metropolitan Police Service Government Should Repeal Counterproductive and Arbitrary Law (London) – The new UK coalition government should repeal an abusive counterterrorism power

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US to press Binyamin Netanyahu to extend freeze on settlements 0


Post Views: 5 Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, will come under intense pressure on Tuesday to extend his 10-month freeze on the building of settlements in the West Bank when he meets President Barack Obama in Washington – amid warnings

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