Tag "Democratic Federation of Northern Syria"

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Feminists in Ireland release letter in solidarity with “our friends in Rojava”


The following letter has been signed by feminists living in Ireland, including WSM members

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Oppose Turkish invasion of Rojava


It is for good reason that there is a Kurdish saying, “No friend but the mountains.” There is a long history of Kurdish groups being used as pawns and betrayed by imperialist powers

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The World is Shocked by Turkish Atrocities in Rojava


The Turkish invasion of the north of Syria (Rojava) and the atrocities carried out by the Turkish military junta is, by all International standards, a most brutal, ruthless, and bloodthirsty policy

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A Message from Serekaniye


An Anarchist friend defending Serekaniye from the Turkish invasion posted what is likely his final message

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‘Not even 1000 bombs can destroy a revolutionary society ready to defend itself’


The following statement was released by Make Rojava Green Again, an international campaign aiming to find solutions to the ecological problems facing the Rojava Revolution in Northern Syria

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KNK: Act against possible Turkish occupation of Rojava


Post Views: 9 The Executive Council of the Kurdish National Congress (KNK) has issued a statement following the decision by the US to withdraw from the borders points of Serekaniye and Gire Spi. The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National

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Making Rojava green again


Annotations to the booklet “Make Rojava Green Again” by the Internationalist Commune of Rojava

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The Democratic Nation Paradigm


This text was translated from subtitles of a Youtube video in Arabic that has since been deleted, on 27 October 2016

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One Year on From Afrin, and now East of the Euphrates: More War?


“The goal of the United States from delaying this agreement is to make room for Turkey to enter easily when the US withdraw from its military bases…” (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)

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