Soldiers attacked Roboski


A vigil to ask justice for the victims of the massacre attacked by army
Turkish soldiers attacked the “Vigil for Justice for Roboski” action today. The slogan of the rally and vigil says “We haven’t forgotten Roboski and won’t let it be forgotten”. Soldiers used pressure water to disperse the mass joining the march.
The march under the leadership of Democratic Society Congress (DTK) is joined by representatives of many political parties and nongovernmental organizations. Demonstrators who ask for justice in the face of the lack of any judicial process against perpetrators of the massacre have been subjected to pressure by security forces of the AKP (Justice and Development Party) regime.
DTK Co-chair Aysel Tu?luk, ESP (Socialist Party of the Oppressed) Chairperson Figen Yüksekda?, representatives of KESK, IHD, TMMOB and Peace Mothers Initiative are also joining the march, despite the prevention of military forces who for a long time didn’t allow the mass into the village of Roboski upon the instruction by governor’s office.
The march from the village will end in the massacre area where 34 civilians, included 19 children, were bombed by Turkish warplanes on 28 December 2011.
Hundreds of people from surrounding provinces are also joining the march to demand justice for the massacre for which no responsible authorities have been investigated or taken to court so far, for six months.

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