“La represión del Ejército alcanza a toda la sociedad” 0


Post Views: 9 Mohamed Ezz estuvo encarcelado durante 20 días a raíz de las protestas de enero y febrero de 2013. / Gladys Martínez López   mohamed ezz,activista egipcio Miembro del movimiento de los Socialistas Libertarios, Ezz nos habla sobre

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Libertad para Jihad y para los condenados de la tierra de Siria 0


Post Views: 7 El 10 de agosto de 2013, fuerzas de seguridad sirias detuvieron al periodista sirio y marxista disidente Yihad Mad Asaad Muhammad cerca de la calle Athawra en el centro de Damasco. La noticia de su arresto fue

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Martial Law and the Economy: Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse? 0


Post Views: 6 Reports are that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is engaged in a massive, covert military buildup. An article in the Associated Press in February confirmed an open purchase order by DHS for 1.6 billion rounds of

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German Intelligence Service is as Bad as the NSA 0


Post Views: 6 In recent weeks there has been much criticism of the US National Security Agency. It spies on people indiscriminately – even the citizens of its European allies – goes the furious and clearly justified accusation. Politicians in

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Lampedusa: hundreds still missing after migrant boat sinks near Italy 0


Post Views: 23 Coastguard says 111 bodies have been recovered so far as European official calls for measures to tackle ongoing tragedy Divers are searching for more bodies from a migrant boat that caught fire and capsized off the Italian

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El juez libera a los detenidos pero intenta vetar su labor por los derechos humanos 0


Post Views: 34 De la incertidumbre al abrazo colectivo El juez Eloy Velasco decretó ayer libertad con cargos para 14 de los 18 detenidos en la macrorredada contra Herrira. Para los otros cuatro, prisión eludible bajo fianza de 20.000 euros,

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Crisis Reality Check 0


Post Views: 4 The Real Crisis is They Way We’ve Been Governed The government shut down continues and so does the partisan handwringing.  Look what the Tea Party have done! Workers and the poor are suffering. Public health and welfare

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Your Government is Closed 0


Post Views: 6 Please don’t leave a message… I was working on a story about the FBI’s harassment, intimidation and extortion of friends and associates of Ibragim Todashev, the man they executed at the end of a six-hour night-time interrogation

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Obama’s Incubatory Tyranny 0


Post Views: 3 S.A.T. POTUS Surveillance.  Assassination.  Teleprompter.  Three little words, but, unlike the song, which says, “I love you,” these signify incipient fascism in America under the Obama administration, the “love” bestowed on a systemic-structural formation of advanced capitalism

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Llamamiento para la apertura de un canal humanitario por el derecho de asilo europeo 0


Post Views: 7 Cientos de muertos en otro naufragio en Lampedusa A los ministros de la República, presidentes de las Cámaras, a las instituciones europeas, a las organizaciones internacionales Con cadencia ya casi cotidiana la crónica cuenta la tragedia que

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