Where next for the NEW ECONOMY MOVEMENT?


It’s not enough to create niche alternatives; we have to transform the architecture of the economic system

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Irán demanda a Estados Unidos ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) por sanciones comerciales del 8 de mayo


Este 17 de julio, la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) anunció que Irán interpuso una demanda formal contra Estados Unidos debido a las sanciones norteamericanas

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Los Desaparecidos – The Disappeared Turkish-Style


What must it be like (Mr. President), when the State forces its way into your life, your space, your home, seizes your children, takes them away from you and locks you up?

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Trump’s visit marks the start of shock doctrine Brexit


The radical right want a no-deal Brexit so they can force Britain into a disaster capitalist trade deal with the USA

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Senado de Irlanda adopta ley que prohibe importación de productos israelíes provenientes de territorios palestinos ocupados


El pasado 11 de julio, el Senado de Irlanda adoptó una ley que prohibe la comercialización en Irlanda de productos israelíes provenientes de territorios palestinos ocupados

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AFRIN CIVILIANS “Between a rock and a hard place”


What is the fate of predominantly Kurdish civilians in the territories occupied by the Turkish state since August 2016?

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#TheyAreKillingUs: 5 keys to understanding the systematic murder of social leaders in Colombia


Colombian society took to the streets last weekend to demand an end to the killings and an investigation into the murders of more than 311 social leaders since January 2016

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Return to Kobane – Part 2


Patrizia Fiocchetti has been in Kobane to open the Women’s Academy. Here the second part of her notes on the visit to the city

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Return to Kobane – Part One


Patrizia Fiocchetti has been in Kobane to open the Women’s Academy. Here is the first part of her feature about the journey

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Kobane, three years after


Patrizia Fiocchetti was in Kobane just after its liberation from DAESH, in January 2015

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