Newroz, a story of resistance against tyranny


To this day, on Spring Equinox, March 21st, Kurdish, Persian, Afghan and other people of the Middle East celebrate Newroz or New Day and Kawa the blacksmith

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With Helms-Burton, U.S. out to freeze foreign investment in Cuba


The Trump administration is renewing its efforts to squash Cuba as well, and Title III of the 1996 Helms-Burton Act is joining an arsenal of weapons employed by the U.S. in what Cubans regard as genocidal aggression

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Marcha del retorno en Gaza (1018): Naciones Unidas publica contundente informe de 250 páginas sobre exacciones israelíes


Este 18 de marzo, Naciones Unidas dio a conocer su informe final, titulado “Report of the detailed findings of the independent international Commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

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Letter from slain International Volunteer Lorenzo Orsetti


Post Views: 598 “These are difficult times, I know, but don’t give in to despair, don’t ever abandon hope, never! Not even for a second.” Lorenzo Orsetti  “I hope now that his death will say something about the cause of

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Why is the Islamic Republic of Iran afraid of Nasrin Sotoudeh


Nasrin Sotoudeh, a leading Iranian human rights lawyer, was sentenced to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes because of her work defending women’s rights and protesting against the country’s forced hijab laws

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Bloody Sunday, Derry, 1972


“The firing by soldiers of 1 PARA on Bloody Sunday caused the deaths of 13 people and injury a similar number, none of whom was posing a threat of causing death or serious injury…”

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Regime Change Via Sanctions? U.S. Uses International Finance System to Strangle Venezuelan Economy


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro accused the U.S. military of launching a “cyberattack against the electrical, telecommunication and internet systems.”

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Colombia: Veto Could Undermine Accountability


Colombian President Iván Duque’s partial veto of a transitional justice bill could undermine and delay progress toward justice for wartime atrocities

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Colombia: New Army Commanders Linked to Killings


The Colombian government has appointed at least nine officers credibly implicated in extrajudicial executions and other abuses to key positions of the army

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