Back to homepageHDK pays tribute to writer Yaşar Kemal
Peoples’ Democratic Congress (HDK) Culture and Art Commission commemorated world-renowned writer Yaşar Kemal, who died on 28 February 2015.
Read MoreKurdish rapper refuses to do his military service
“I do not want to support the war policy of the rulers who promote militarism in order to maintain their existence,” said Kurdish rapper Gewr from Siirt refusing to join the military service.
Read MoreIrish republicans pay tribute to Bobby Sands by reading his diary entries
Former Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams says that to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Bobby Sands hunger strike, 17 activists will read one of Bobby’s 17 diary entries.
Read MoreThe State was preparing the end of the soldiers in PKK captivity
Some of the soldiers and policemen killed in the Turkish airstrike on Gare warned back in 2018 that the Turkish state was disregarding their lives and putting them in danger.
The Turkish army bombed a detention center in Gare that held soldiers, police officers and MIT agents captured by the guerrillas, killing thirteen of the inmates.
Read MoreCatalan students express solidarity with Boğaziçi protests
The Asociaciò d’Estudiants Progressistes (From the Association of Progressive Students-AEP) in Catalunya denounced in a written statement the situation that the students of Boğaziçi University.
Read MoreTurkish state official admits Paris murders
The former head of the General Staff’s intelligence department, Ismail Hakkı Pekin, admitted in a television broadcast that the murders of the three Kurdish women revolutionaries in Paris in 2013 were a state operation.
Read MorePermanent state of emergency, the border gate that never opens: politics prohibited here
In Van, the largest city of the Serhat Region in Northern Kurdistan, the policies implemented by the state turned the city into a “forbidden” zone economically, socially and culturally. This is the only city where the AKP extended the de facto state of emergency after the coup attempt.
Read More3 journalists and 2 activists sentenced to prison in Hewler
Three journalists and two activists in Hewler, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, were sentenced to 6 years in prison each over the same charges, facing reaction from many parliamentarians.
Read MoreSanPa. Where did we leave off? Where are we now?
In Italy the documentary on San Patrignano community has started a wide debate on drugs. A lot has changed from the ’80’s and ’90’s: the fight for de-crimininalization of drug use has won support, harm reduction is now part of the public drug policies
Read MorePalestine. Brèves remarques concernant la décision récente de la Chambre Préliminaire de la CPI
Dans une décision très attendue rendue le 5 février 2021, la Chambre préliminaire de la Cour Pénale Internationale (CPI) a décidé que la CPI est pleinement compétente pour juger les exactions commises par Israël dans tous les territoires palestiniens, sans aucune exception
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