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Israel demolishes security barrier at Gilo 0


Post Views: 11 Israel demolishes security barrier at Gilo Military officials said it was the first time they had to take down such a security wall Israeli troops have begun demolishing a concrete wall erected nine years ago to protect

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Mexico TV station Televisa hit by blasts 0


Post Views: 28 Mexico TV station Televisa hit by blasts Attacks on the media in Mexico are becoming increasingly frequent Officials from Mexico’s largest television network Televisa say an explosive device went off in front of their station in the

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China overtakes Japan as world’s second-largest economy 0


Post Views: 7 China overtakes Japan as world’s second-largest economyJapan’s economy grew just 0.4% a year in second quarter Figures spark concern over cooling demand in Asia Japan facing ageing population and a strong yen Japanese consumer spending, which accounts

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Coal-fired power stations win reprieve 0


Post Views: 3 Coal-fired power stations win reprieveExclusive: Government’s decision to put pollution standards ‘on hold’ raises possibility of dirtiest coal plants going ahead  David Cameron and Nick Clegg campaigned for carbon emission cuts at Kingsnorth power station while in

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Kurdistan. PKK: a challenge to start talking peace


Post Views: 28 Once again it is the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) who took the first step. Yesterday’s declaration of yet another unilateral ceasefire shows that the PKK is in a position of strength. Political strength, that is. Indeed, important

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Sudden Execution of Over Seventy Individuals in Mashhad 0


Post Views: 6 Sudden Execution of Over Seventy Individuals in Mashhad Sunday , 15 Aug , 2010   RAHANA: Some of the individuals who were executed for drug related charges had received their sentences in the past and the death

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Miles de voces reclaman los derechos de Euskal Herria 0


Post Views: 5 Miles de voces reclaman los derechos de Euskal HerriaMás de cinco mil personas secundaron la manifestación que reclamó en Donostia el respeto a los derechos de la sociedad vasca. Unas libertades que, como afirmaron, «son los mimbres

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Obama under fire over support for mosque near Ground Zero


Post Views: 6 Obama under fire over support for mosque near Ground Zero Paul Harris in New York The Observer, Sunday 15 AugustAfter a barrage of criticism, president appears to backtrack, saying: ‘I was not commenting and I will not

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ACLU Report: Obama Enshrining Bush-Era Torture Policies 0


Post Views: 8 Photo Credit: publik15 LIKE THIS ARTICLE ? Join our mailing list: Fear of an unchecked, unaccountable government permeates the report, particularly in the section about targeted killings For disillusioned Obama supporters, the ACLU’s July report “Establishing the

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Uzbekistan: Activist Hit With New Sentence 0


Post Views: 7  Stop Persecuting Human Rights Defenders (New York) – The Uzbek government should revoke the 13-year prison sentence handed down to the human rights defender Gaibullo Jalilov on August 6, 2010, and set him free, Human Rights Watch

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