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Besieging Israel’s siege 0


Post Views: 4 In just a few years the Palestinian campaign to boycott Israeli goods has become truly global Despite Israel’s siege of Gaza, and the escalating displacement in the Negev and East Jerusalem, Palestinians have some reason to celebrate. In Washington

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La tutela de la CIA 0


Post Views: 4 La Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA, Central Intelligence Agency) fue creada en 1947 por Henry Truman, sustituyendo a la Oficina de Servicios Estratégicos (OSS) para investigar, sin necesidad de autorización judicial, expedientes administrativos y fiscales. La inicial

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Los gitanos, un pueblo errante maldito de los hombres


Post Views: 22 Tano D’Amico, Bambino romLos gitanos, un pueblo errante maldito de los hombres Traducido del francés para Rebelión por Beatriz Morales Bastos«Hace ocho días me quedé extasiado ante un campamento gitanos que se habían establecido en Rouen…. Lo

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Saving Women and Preventing Genocide: The Real Reasons We’re in Afghanistan Now 0


Post Views: 17 So now the cheerleaders for war would have us believe that they are more concerned for the welfare of Afghan civilians than are those who wish to end the US occupation. First we have White House Press

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PKK announced new unilateral ceasefire


Post Views: 39 The PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) announced a new unilateral ceasefire that will last until 20th September. PKK’s frame organisation, KCK released a statement in which it said that Kurdish guerrillas will hold their fire until 20 September.

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SA journalists fight proposed media laws 0


Post Views: 8 JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA. South African journalists have launched a campaign to fight what they say is an attempt to curtail media freedoms in a nation known for one of Africa’s freest and most open Constitutions. In a

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Inutile tourisme de la misère 0


Post Views: 5 © AFP  Dans le bidonville de Kibera, Kenya Les visites de bidonvilles ont le vent en poupe. Le dirigeant associatif kenyan Kennedy Odede, originaire d’un quartier défavorisé de Nairobi, pointe les méfaits de ce tourisme bien intentionné.

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Shocking Images of Dead Kurdish Fighters 0


Post Views: 10 Shocking Images of Dead Kurdish FightersTurkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKKby Daniel Steinvorth and Yassin Musharbash German experts have confirmed the authenticity of photographs that purport to show PKK fighters killed by chemical weapons. The

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Youth Unemployment a “Social Time-Bomb” 0


Post Views: 23   The ITUC has described the high and rising levels of youth unemployment globally as a “social time-bomb”, which risks damaging the social, economic and political fabric of countries around the world. New figures released by the

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TV ‘confession of Iran stoning case woman criticized 0


Post Views: 7 There are unconfirmed reports that Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani has been tortured © Private Amnesty International criticized the TV “confession” of an Iranian woman on Wednesday night in which Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, awaiting execution by stoning for adultery,

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