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Serbian Roma families facing forced eviction 0


Post Views: 5 The families have not been offered any alternative accommodation or compensation © Regional Centre for Minorities Amnesty International has urged the Belgrade authorities to halt plans to destroy a Roma settlement amid fears that an eviction could

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Why We Sued to Represent Anwar Aulaqi 0


Post Views: 4 Anwar Aulaqi is a US citizen and Muslim cleric living somewhere in Yemen.  The  US has put him on our terrorist list and is trying to assassinate him.  The  Center for Constitutional Rights and the ACLU filed

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“El posneoliberalismo en América Latina pasa por consolidar una alianza de fuerzas sociales que construya nuevas formas de poder popular” 0


Post Views: 10 El científico social brasileño Emir Sader, secretario ejecutivo de CLACSO,durante el diálogo que sostuvo con el director del Observatorio Sociopolítico Latinaomericano Cronicón, Fernando Arellano Ortiz. ENTREVISTA CON EMIR SADER, SECRETARIO EJECUTIVO DE CLACSO Convencido de que “la

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Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran 0


Post Views: 13 Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. War preparations to attack Iran are in “an advanced state of readiness”. Hi tech weapons systems including nuclear warheads are fully deployed. This military adventure has been on the Pentagon’s drawing

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Pakistani president’s UK visit must deliver human rights gains in Northwest 0


Post Views: 7 President Zardari urged to announce reforms in the northwest to fight human rights abuses © APGraphicsBank Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari should use his UK visit to announce reforms in the country’s northwest that will help combat

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Women of the Storm 0


Post Views: 4   “Be the One,” a campaign urging citizens to petition the Congress towards passing and funding a comprehensive Gulf Coast restoration plan, has drawn criticism from some who point to the group’s corporate oil and gas industry

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Al Sur de la Frontera”: Entrevista con Oliver Stone y Tariq Ali 0


Post Views: 6 [El nuevo documental de Oliver Stone, “Al sur de la frontera”, narra la aparición de una serie de gobiernos progresistas en América Latina, su búsqueda hacia una transformación social y política en el continente y una creciente

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Israel: Halt Demolitions of Bedouin Homes in Negev 0


Post Views: 12  Israeli police restrain a Bedouin resident while demolishing al-Araqib village in Israel’s Negev region in an early morning raid on July 27, 2010. © 2010 Pre-Dawn Raid Destroys Entire Village (Jerusalem) – The Israeli government should

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Iran: End Intimidation and Harassment of Lawyer and His Family 0


Post Views: 11 Unable to Arrest Mohammad Mostafaei, Officials Detained His Wife, Brother-in-Law (New York) – Iranian authorities should immediately charge or release the wife and brother-in-law of a prominent lawyer, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should also

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Estados Unidos y la crisis capitalista 0


Post Views: 5 Entrevista a Richard Wolff, economista norteamericano El doctor Richard D. Wolff ( es profesor emérito de la Universidad de Massachusetts (Amherst) y profesor visitante del Programa de Asuntos Internacionales de la New School University (Nueva York). Wolff

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