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El verdadero problema de América Latina no es la pobreza sino la riqueza” 0


Post Views: 10 Entrevista con el analista y activista social uruguayo Raúl Zibechi“ No hay que llamarse a engaño: el modelo neoliberal, pese a los efectos perversos que ha tenido en la profundización de las injusticias sociales en América Latina,

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Neoliberalism, Political Repression and the Rise of Mexico’s Narco-State 0


Post Views: 11 The Electrical Workers Union versus President Calderon“We are confronting a monster; a force that ridicules, deceives and wants to destroy us”. Miguel Angel Ibara, member of the Mexican Electrical Workers Union, (SME) on the 80th day of

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Petraeus: Place Combat Posts as Close to Afghan Civilians as Possible 0


Post Views: 3 New Guidelines Admonish Troops to Be ‘Good Guests’New Afghanistan commander Gen. David Petraeus issued a new three page document outlining his guidelines for combat troops’ behavior in Afghanistan,

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Arizona: US Court Blocks Immigration Law’s Worst Aspects 0


Post Views: 12 But State Should Repeal Law Targeting Immigrants (Washington, DC) – A ruling by a US district court in Arizona on July 28, 2010, will temporarily block enforcement of the most problematic provisions of Arizona’s recent law targeting

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US: End in Sight for Infamous Crack Cocaine Laws 0


Post Views: 6 Legislation to Address Racial Disparity in Sentencing Heads to President Obama’s Desk (New York) – Legislation approved by the House on July 28, 2010, will dramatically alter the historically more punitive approach to federal crack cocaine offenders

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Post Views: 5 Mostafaei is defending Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, who was sentenced to stoning © Private Amnesty International has urged the Iranian authorities to stop harassing human rights lawyers amid continuing uncertainty over the whereabouts of the defence counsel in a

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Pakistan Pushes Draconian New Terror Bill 0


Post Views: 5         Secret Trials, Unchallengeable Summary Detentions on the Table Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik today proposed a massive expansion of government power with the “Anti-Terrorism Bill 2010,” a bill which is set to go

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Pentagon Can’t Account for $8.7 Billion in Iraqi Reconstruction Funds 0


Post Views: 15         Inspector Determines Most Money Gone Without Documentation The Pentagon has once again lost billions of dollars in cash, which has vanished from a fund meant for Iraq reconstruction without any documentation of where

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House Approves More Afghan War Funding 0


Post Views: 6         Congressmen Embrace Escalation as Evidence of War’s Folly Grows Though one would have expected that the massive release of some 92,000 classified documents Sunday underscoring just how poorly the war is going would

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Singapore: Legal Charges Threat to Freedom of Expression 0


Post Views: 12 British Author’s Critique of Death Penalty Leads to Arrest  (New York) – Singapore officials should cease using criminal defamation and contempt laws to silence government critics, Human Rights Watch said today. The arrest of Alan Shadrake, the

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