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Amiri ‘told CIA Iran had no bomb program’ 0


Post Views: 7 WASHINGTON – Contrary to a news media narrative that Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri has provided the United States with intelligence on covert Iranian nuclear weapons work, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sources familiar with the Amiri case say

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Israel Palestine: One-State Debate Explodes Myth About the Zionist Left Is the Israeli right a more credible peacemaker? 0


Post Views: 8 Nazareth — A fascinating debate is entering Israel’s political mainstream on a once-taboo subject: the establishment of a single state as a resolution of the conflict, one in which Jews and Palestinians might potentially live as equal

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Money Laundering and the Global Drug Trade Fueled by Capitalist Elites 0


Post Views: 25 When investigative journalist Daniel Hopsicker broke the story four years ago that a DC-9 (N900SA) “registered to a company which once used as its address the hangar of Huffman Aviation, the flight school at the Venice, Florida Airport

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Rwanda: Allow Independent Autopsy of Opposition Politician 0


Post Views: 4 Foreign Experts Should Investigate Circumstances of Murder (New York) – The government of Rwanda should allow independent foreign experts to carry out an autopsy on the body of André Kagwa Rwisereka, vice president of the opposition Democratic

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Inside the Israeli Knesset 0


Post Views: 7 WHEN I was first elected to the Knesset, I was appalled at what I found. I discovered that, with rare exceptions, the intellectual level of the debates was close to zero. They consisted mainly of strings of

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Una época de dobles caídas de la economía mundial 0


Post Views: 6 Abróchense los cinturones para un viaje muy accidentado Nueva York.– La economía mundial, artificialmente impulsada desde la recesión de 2008–2009 por un estímulo fiscal y monetario en gran escala y rescates financieros, va camino de una profunda

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Cambodia: Sex Workers Face Unlawful Arrests and Detention 0


Post Views: 7 Cambodian sex workers stage a protest against a police crackdown on prostitution. Sex workers report that police physically and sexually abuse them in custody. © 2008 AP Photo (Phnom Penh) – The Cambodian government should act quickly

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UN: Strengthen Civilian Protection in Darfur 0


Post Views: 31  A displaced Sudanese woman is seen at the Abu Shouk camp for internally displaced persons in Al Fasher, northern Darfur. © 2010 Reuters Related Materials: Democracy on Hold New Deaths, Other Abuses Underscore Need for Better Access, Improved

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Turkey urged to stop unfair prosecution of children under anti-terror laws 0


Post Views: 12 Amnesty International has warned that draft legislative amendments scheduled to be discussed by the Turkish Parliament on Tuesday would not, on their own, prevent violations of the rights of children.

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La guerre menée par l’industrie pharmaceutique contre nos santés 0


Post Views: 9 L’industrie pharmaceutique mène une guerre implacable, au budget colossal, aux manœuvres impitoyables, aux techniques innombrables, contre nos santés. Une histoire des médicaments… Dans son livre, “The drug story : A factological history of America’s $10,000,000,000 drug cartel, its

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