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India: Prosecute Rampant ‘Honor’ Killings 0


Post Views: 7 Amend and Enforce Laws to End Barbaric Practice (New York) – The Indian government should urgently investigate and prosecute those responsible for the recent spurt in reported “honor” killings, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should

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States failing to control movement of weapons to human rights abusers 0


Post Views: 2 Recent arms shipments pose a substantial risk of being used to facilitate violations -© US Army States are failing to adequately control the transport of weapons around the world leading to serious human rights violations, Amnesty International

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The Fall of Obama 0


Post Views: 10 The man who seized the White House by fomenting a mood of irrational expectation is now facing the bitter price exacted by reality. The reality is that there can be no “good” American president. It’s an impossible

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Ni devaluación interior ni austeridad fiscal: en Europa hay una alternativa político-económica de izquierda


Post Views: 14 A medida que se ahonda la crisis bancaria europea, la crisis fiscal de Grecia y de España se difunde por Europa y la economía estadounidense se encalla, el grueso de las discusiones sobre el modo de estabilizar

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Destroying the Palestinian state 0


Post Views: 5 Israeli settlement expansion continues to make a mockery of efforts to reach a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, writes in occupied Jerusalem While the rest of the world talks about a peace process, and while President Barack

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Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money and Getting Away with It 0


Post Views: 11 Wall Street has been caught laundering massive amounts of drug money. So why isn’t anybody being punished?  This piece originally appeared at Campaign for America’s Future. It has been expanded for this publication.

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US Wounded in Afghanistan Nears Entire 2009 Toll 0


Post Views: 32     Estimated 2,000 US Troops Wounded Through Early July With 2010 just scarcely halfway over, the record tolls of the Afghan War are coming fast and furious, pointing to yet another year that will be by

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Uganda: Bombing was Abhorrent Expansion of Attacks on Civilians 0


Post Views: 6 (New York) -The bomb blasts that killed at least 76 people in Kampala on July 11, 2010, were a heinous attack on civilians and an assault on the basic tenet of the right to life, Human Rights

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Collapse in Living Standards in America: More Poverty By Any Measure 0


Post Views: 6 15 million unemployed, homelessness has increased by 50 percent in some cities More than 15 million Americans are unemployed, homelessness has increased by 50 percent in some cities, and 38 million people are receiving food stamps, more

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Hillary Clinton’s Latest Lies 0


Post Views: 18 The BBC reported on July 4 that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that the US ballistic missile base in Poland was not directed at Russia.  The purpose of the base, she said, is to protect

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