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Turkey to stay out of Iran nuke controversial 0


Post Views: 4 The Associated Press reported that a senior U.S. official said Turkey has agreed to stay out of international efforts to pressure Iran on its nuclear program, Associated Press reported on Tuesday.

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Orange parade forced through Ardoyne


Post Views: 7 The controversial Orange Parade has been forced through Ardoyne in north Belfast after a non-violent sit-down protest was brutally forced off the road. The protestors were clubbed and beaten by riot police and pushed from the Crumlin

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Afghanistan: Talks Shouldn’t Ignore Taliban Abuse of Women 0


Post Views: 3 Twenty percent of the delegates at the Consultative Peace Jirga (assembly) in June 2010 were women, including parliamentarian Shinkai Karokhail (pictured), but many felt that they had limited opportunities to voice their concerns. © 2010 Leslie Knott

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Tunisia urged to end subversion of groups critical of the authorities 0


Post Views: 9 Ali Ben Salem, 78, has been continually harassed and intimidated by the Tunisian authorities © Amnesty International The Tunisian authorities should end their subversion of human rights organizations and dissenting groups by infiltrating them and provoking turmoil,

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Domesticar las finanzas en un momento de austeridad 0


Post Views: 5 NUEVA YORK – No fue hace tanto tiempo cuando podíamos decir: “Ahora somos todos keynesianos”. El sector financiero y su ideología de libre mercado habían llevado al mundo al borde de la ruina. Los mercados claramente no

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Domestic violence increases at weekends


Post Views: 16 According to a report prepared by a subcommittee of the Parliamentary Commission on Equal Opportunity for Women and Men said women should receive shelter and help during the weekends, as they are exposed to domestic violence more

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Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’


Post Views: 8 By JULIA PRESTONBREWSTER, Wash. — The Obama administration has replaced immigration raids at factories and farms with a quieter enforcement strategy: sending federal agents to scour companies’ records for illegal immigrant workers.While the sweeps of the past

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Iran suspended stoning of woman 0


Post Views: 11 Iran has announced that Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani will not be executed by stoning. The Times newspaper of London published the statement of the Iranian embassy on Friday which declares: “According to the information achieved from competent authorities,

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CPT notes improvement in Ocalan’s detention but will keep monitoring


Post Views: 21 European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) released the report on the condition of Abdullah Ocalan accompanied by Turkish government’s response. According to the report the conditions are getting

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US: Fix Dysfunctional Immigration System 0


Post Views: 6 Immigrant laborers from Mexico and Honduras work to rebuild a home damaged by Hurricane Katrina on April 27, 2006, in New Orleans. © 2006 Mario Tama/Getty Images New Legal Framework Needed for Reform Washington, DC) – Congress

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