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The Great Marginalization. Life in the Low to Mid-Teens 0


Post Views: 14 Even on the streets of Harlem, where residents are all too aware of  the very low priority to which they have been consigned, the news that 5,000 echocardiograms went unread registered palpable alarm.  From an initial review

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Las políticas fiscales neoliberales 0


Post Views: 31 Ilustración de Mikel Jaso Una de las políticas fiscales que han caracterizado el pensamiento neoliberal reproducido en la mayoría de partidos gobernantes en la Unión Europea, tanto de derecha como de centro izquierda, ha sido la reducción

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Anti-terror stop and search powers to be scrapped 0


Post Views: 5 The police’s use of controversial counterterrorism stop and search powers against individuals is to be scrapped immediately, the home secretary announced today. Under section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000, officers can stop and search anyone in

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East Afghanistan Sees Taliban as ‘Morally Superior’ to Karzai 0


Post Views: 6 The looming security operations — er, “rising tide” — in southern Afghanistan are getting all the attention. But the American-led coalition may be in serious trouble in eastern Afghanistan as well. According to a just-departed U.S. commander

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Two More Trade Unionists Assassinated in Colombia 0


Post Views: 8 The trade union world is again in mourning after the assassination of two more trade unionists in Colombia. The ITUC, together with its Colombia affiliates the CUT, the CGT and the CTC, has roundly condemned the murders,

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Iran: Prevent Woman’s Execution for Adultery 0


Post Views: 8 Judiciary Should End Stoning as a Punishment and Halt All Executions (London) – The Iranian judiciary should halt plans to execute a woman convicted of adultery, Human Rights Watch said today. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43 year-old

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Germany: Accepting Guantanamo Detainees a Positive Step 0


Post Views: 9 Resettling Those No Longer Considered a Threat Helps Advance Effort to Close the Prison (Berlin) – The German government’s decision on July 7, 2010, to accept two Guantanamo Baydetainees for resettlement is an important step in closing

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US: Most Rape Kits Never Tested in Illinois 0


Post Views: 10 One of the Illinois State Police Labs in Springfield that will test Illinois’s rape kits. While the Sexual Assault Evidence Submission Act of 2010 is a significant step forward and provides a potential reform model for other

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Forgotten Casualties of the Recession 0


Post Views: 11 Child Poverty in the Age of Neoliberalism Consistently ignored in reporting on the economic crisis is the dramatic toll it’s taking on America’s children.  The prevalence of poverty has expanded dramatically in light of growing unemployment, accompanied

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Terrorista Chávez Abarca confesó ser contratado por Posada Carriles para desestabilizar a Venezuela 0


Post Views: 4 El terrorista sostuvo que le pagarían lo que él pidiera por el trabajo de desestabilización (Foto TeleSUR) Reveló que recibía directrices del terrorista Posada Carriles para iniciar un proceso de desestabilización en las elecciones parlamentarias venezolanas /

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