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Young prisoner on hunger strike in Turkey


Post Views: 36 According to DIHA news agency 15 year old R.E., who had been arrested under the Anti-Terrorism Act (TMK), is on hunger strike. He is protesting being kept in the ordinary prisoners wing instead of political prisoners in

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HRW: Lebanon End Discrimination Against Palestinians 0


Post Views: 4 Lebanon: Seize Opportunity to End Discrimination Against Palestinians(Beirut) – Members of Lebanon’s parliament should vote to end restrictions on Palestinian refugees’ rights to own property and work, Human Rights Watch said today. The Progressive Socialist Party (PSP)

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School plan ‘takes money from poor’


Post Views: 11 The government was today accused of draining money from schemes aimed at the poorest children to fund their flagship policy of Swedish-style “free” schools.Headteachers said the coalition’s plan to introduce hundreds of the free schools risked depriving

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Could International Criminal Court Deploy U.S. as World Law Enforcer? 0


Post Views: 11 The chief prosecutor of the court that purports to bring the rule of law to the planet is actively campaigning to appoint the United States – ‘the world’s most prolific perpetrator and sponsor of war crimes, crimes

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Washington organiza red estudiantil contra Venezuela, Cuba e Irán 0


Post Views: 13 Estudiante venezolano realiza gira en EEUU para coordinar acciones contra el gobierno de Hugo ChávezDurante el último año, distintas agencias de Washington han estado financiando, promoviendo y organizando grupos de jóvenes y estudiantes en Venezuela, Irán y

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Obama’s Twist of BP’s Arm Stirs Debate on Frequent Tactic


WASHINGTON — First there was General Motors, whose chief executive was summarily dismissed by the White House shortly before the government became the company’s majority shareholder. Chrysler was forced into a merger. At the banks that received government bailouts, executive pay was curbed; at insurance companies seeking to jack up premiums, scathing criticism led to rollbacks.

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Uzbek refugees from Kyrgyzstan pogrom vow to return


Post Views: 16 Uzbek refugees from Kyrgyzstan pogrom vow to return ‘We are starving but west fails to respond’, they say, and report military involvement in violence 5 in Jalal-Abad, Thursday 17 June 2010 Ethnic Uzbek refugees cross the

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Stop female genital mutilation says Human Rights Watch


Post Views: 11 Human Rights Watch on Wednesday release a report about female genital cutting. The practice, says the report, is widespread in Iraq’s northern Kurdish region and authorities must develop a long-term plan to eradicate it. It is estimated

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Bill on ‘stone-throwing children’ not sufficient, says BDP


Post Views: 6 A bill on ‘stone-throwing children’ was sent from the Parliament’s Justice Commission to subcommittee on Wednesday. The bill is part of the Justice and Development Party, so called Kurdish initiative, a package of proposals aimed to solve

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What Bhopal Started 0


Post Views: 5 Over 20,000 killed. Over half a million victims maimed, disabled or otherwise affected. Compensation of around Rs. 12,414 per victim on average on the 1989 value of the rupee. $ 470 million total. And that divided between

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